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他总是批评印度的裙带资本主义,这使得他的选择有限。He is a critic of crony capitalism in India, which limits his options.

看来,权贵资本主义在太平洋两岸都是如鱼得水。Crony capitalism, on both sides of the Pacific, it appears, has its rewards.

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这一个在老七左边躺下去后,另一个不说什么,也在右边躺了下去。After he had flopped down on Seven's left, his crony without a word lay down on her right.

我的一个老朋友也是我的大学同学,二十世纪六十年代的时候在约翰斯,霍普金斯大学上学。An old crony and former colleague of mine was taking a course at Johns Hopkins in the 1960s.

该组织期技术迷们接受他到自己的家庭,因为他是隐士的晚亲信。The organisation of techno junkies accept him in to their family, as he is the hermit of their late crony.

这是权贵资本主义,而且,不仅没有给经济带来稳定,反而彻底破坏了经济的稳定性。That is crony corporatism and instead of being a force for economic stabilization, it totally undermines it.

很明显他受制于人——最有可能受制于军事、犹太利益集团和权贵资本集团。He's clearly being controlled — most likely by the military, Jewish interests, and crony capitalist corporations.

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与贪污腐败以及印尼臭名昭著的“裙带资本主义”作斗争,也成为尤多约诺议事日程中重要的部分。Combating corruption and Indonesia'sreputation for "crony capitalism" has also been high on the agendafor Yudhoyono.

与贪污腐败以及印尼臭名昭著的“裙带资本主义”作斗争,也成为尤多约诺议事日程中重要的部分。Combating corruption and Indonesia's reputation for "crony capitalism" has also been high on the agenda for Yudhoyono.

这些基金有的被有效地投资,但是很多则被用于非商业目的,从创造就业到中饱私囊。Some of these funds will invest wisely, but many will pursue non-commercial goals, from job creation to crony enrichment.

埃及需要重新开始,然后改革其经济以剔除穆巴拉克的裙带资本主义,建立一个真正的自由市场。Egypt will need help restarting and then reforming its economy to move from Mr. Mubarak's crony capitalism to a true free market.

党'。''资本主义,因为它给人一种假相,认为这些公司都是稳健、具竞争力和享有盈余的公司。Fourth, abolish the phenomenon of crony capitalism because it creates the illusion of strong, competitive and profitable companies.

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他认为奥巴马的做法是典型的寡头资本主义,因为支持奥巴马的汽车工人联合会在公司中以一个新股东的身份出现。Romney calls it an example of crony capitalism, because the autoworkers' union that supported Obama emerged with a stake in the companies.

从裙带资本主义者到外国货币操控者,这种危机从来都不乏替罪羊,而技术日渐成为千夫所指。Scapegoats, from crony capitalists to foreign-currency manipulators, are in no short supply, but technology is increasingly fingered as a culprit.

埃及滋生的是裙带资本主义,特别是过去的十年里。"Crony capitalism has grown up in Egypt, particularly in the past decade," says Michael Hanna, who is in Cairo for the U.S.-based Century Foundation.

“貌似权贵资本主义为聪明的决策吹响了号角,”听证会代表、路易斯安那州共和党人史蒂夫.思凯利斯在听证会上这样说道。“It seems like crony capitalism was trumping the smart decision-making, ” Representative Steve Scalise, Republican of Louisiana, said at the hearing.

此前的一贯是白宫以友好的姿态对世界银行进行统治,欧洲政客仅仅对国际货币基金组织的运营起辅助作用,这种状况似乎已经到此为止了。A line was supposed to have been drawn under the old system of a White House crony ruling the World Bank and a spare European politician running the IMF.

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他怨恨企业巨头及贪腐官员劫持了经济,操纵改革向他们有利的方向进行,他将这种体系称之为裙带资本主义。He complains that business tycoons and corrupt officials have hijacked the economy and manipulated it for their own ends, a system he calls crony capitalism.

今天的中国就像是寡头版的政府主导型资本主义,可能变成建立在系统性腐败和纯粹的政治权力基础上的任人唯亲的资本主义。"China today resembles an oligarchic version of state-led capitalism" which could become "crony capitalism built on systemic corruption and raw political power".

在突尼斯等国,一些臭名昭著的裙带资本主义的典型代表与政变者有矛盾,但实际操作上还是老样子。In a few Arab countries, like Tunisia, some notorious personifications of crony capitalism have fallen foul of political change but the practice has by no means ended.