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快面女起床!Get up soon.

今天过得愉快吗?Get tup soon.

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很快她就开始散发恶臭。Soon she stinks.

我马上归来。I'll be bck soon.

好咧,回见啊。Ok, See you soon.

你很快就变卦了。You soon give in.

Me很快会回家来白勺。I'll soon be home.

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但很快我便明白了。But I soon learned.

很快就会放晴。It'll soon clear up.

你太早达到了巅峰。You peaked too soon.

话别说得太早。Don't speak too soon.

我很快就摸清了他的底细。I soon had him taped.

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她说,“很快我会开心起来。I will be happy soon.

请快一点拿来。Please bring it soon.

那大厅不久便坐满了人。The hall soon filled.

时机将很快成熟。Time will soon ripen.

小壶不久就会热。A little pot soon hot.

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剪上去的花朵容难枯萎。Cut flowers soon fade.

好吧,快去快回。Great! Come back soon.

他的兄弟很快夭折。His brother soon died.