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云笼罩着山顶。Clouds enshrouded the summit.

拉斯姆森在北约峰会上说。Rasmussen said at the NATO summit.

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第二天的早晨,在海加尔山的山顶。The next morning, near Hyjal Summit.

在这次峰会上,类似的预言满天飞。Predictions like this flew at the summit.

三国峰会在德黑兰举行。The tri-partite summit was held in Tehran.

医改峰会就如一堂实物教学课。The healthcare summit was an object lesson.

三国峰会在德黑兰举行。The tri- partite summit was held in Tehran.

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这次峰会为它们的实行提供了一个开端。This summit should get them off to a start.

地球峰会不仅仅是大谈问题之处。The Earth Summit is not just about problems.

走向奥林帕斯山顶的徒步者。Trekker walking towards summit of Mt Olympus.

九月日出与冷山山峰交汇。A September sunrise greets Mount Colden's summit.

他们攀登顶峰的一切尝试都失败了。All their attempts at reaching the summit failed.

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普京总统星期二还要主持欧盟同俄罗斯的高峰会。He also hosts an EU-Russia Summit on Tuesday. Mr.

第三届G20峰会在匹兹堡开幕。The third G20 Summit has kicked off in Pittsburg.

这次峰会上的一致声音是个好的开始。The unified voice at this summit is a good start.

最后奎托斯被仍到一座山的顶峰。Kratoseventually is thrown onto a mountain summit.

山顶上在我身旁的那个男人可以告诉你答案。My answer lay in the man next to me at the summit.

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所以现在我也在和非营利性组织“大学峰会”进行合作。So I work with a non-profit called College Summit.

2010年峰会于11月19日至20日在葡萄牙首都里斯本举行。The 2010 summit was held in Lisbon November 19–20.

一座令人生畏的高山不过就是一次挑战而已。A daunting summit is nothing more than a challenge.