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但每个人都不屑一顾。But everyone was scornful to it.

她轻蔑的一瞥使他感到羞惭。She withered him with a scornful look.

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她“轻蔑”的一瞥使他无地自容。She withered him with a scornful look.

我们藐视习惯势力。We are scornful of the forces of convention.

法里亚以极其轻蔑的一瞥回敬了这句讽刺他的话。He took a scornful glance at me when he left my room.

强盗们是看不上这400万元的资本吗?Were robbers scornful of its four-million-dollar capital?

查理斯·科赫开始公开表达其对传统政治的鄙夷不屑。Charles Koch became openly scornful of conventional politics.

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唔,克莱尔先生发现了这件事,还把可怜的小莱蒂嘲笑了好几天呢。Well, Mr Clare found this out, and spoke quite scornful to the poor girl for days.

希刺克厉夫盯着他的儿子,盯得他儿子慌张打颤,他发出一声嘲弄的笑声。Heathcliff, having stared his son into an ague of confusion, uttered a scornful laugh.

雅拉侬轻蔑地瞥她一眼,一束日光漂白的浓密头发甩了回去。Arla-Non flashed her a scornful look, and tossed back a luxuriant mane of sun-bleached hair.

这时福尔摩斯坚毅的面孔上依然毫无惧色,薄薄的嘴唇上仍然挂著轻蔑的笑容。Still the strong face did not blench, and still the scornful smile played about the thin lips.

所以你们这些亵慢的人,就是辖管住在耶路撒冷这百姓的,要听耶和华的话。Wherefore hear the word of the LORD, ye scornful men, that rule this people which is in Jerusalem.

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‘我饿了一个多月了,’她回答。尽力轻蔑地念那个‘饿’字。"I've been starved a month and more, " she answered, resting on the word as scornful as she could.

我开始感到傲视一切,感到盖茨比和我可以团结一致,横眉冷对他们所有的人。I began to have a feeling of defiance, of scornful solidarity between Gatsby and me against them all.

在文章里,尼采似乎对犹太人说重话,事实上却是轻蔑反犹太主义论。Nietzsche seems to have harsh words for the Jews in this text but he was in fact scornful of anti-Semitism.

但一想到那句蔑视意味的“不,先生”,他那柔情马上被苦涩的回忆给淹没了。But this rising impulse of tenderness was turned to choking bitterness by the memory of that scornful “No, sir.”

林总厨却有点微怒地盯着这只酱鸭,分明是在表示这还不完全合格。Chef Lin gazed at the duck with a scornful look and plainly stated that it wasn't exactly how we likes to see it.

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想到他走上前和陌生人握手,冒着遭受别人嘲笑和蔑视的危险,那才需要勇气呢。I think of his courage in going up to shake the hands of complete strangers, risking laughter from scornful faces.

愤青不屑经济和政治自由主义,对所谓普世价值嗤之以鼻。The fenqing are often dismissive of economic and political liberalism and scornful of the notion of universal rights.

在最可怕的屈辱中,没有诅咒,没有叹息。沉默是复仇者最高的轻蔑。There lies no curse and sigh in the most awful mortification. Silence is the hugely scornful attitude of the avenger.