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那一张地图是她的。That map is hers.

我给你看张地图。I'll show you a map.

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让我看看你的地图。Let me see your map.

女人嘛,图个啥?Women do, Gesha map?

他把地图卷了起来。He rolled up the map.

他们把舆图挂起来。They hung the map up.

区域台位的分布。Area table map handle.

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我正戴着一个大大的帽子。I am waring a big map.

是否可给我一份城市地图?May I have a city map?

科林有地图吗?Does Collin have a map?

推子也是贴图的。Fader is also a map of.

把它从地图上找出来。Look it out in the map.

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敬辞要我为您画一张舆图吗?。Shall I draw you a map?

有游览图吗?Do you have tourist map?

在地图上北指上方。Noth Points up on a map.

他是一个好的识图者。He is a good map -reader.

我没用过雅虎地图。I am trashy Guo Yahu map.

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偷了一张狗耳地图。Stole me a dog-eared map.

他们全部能够计算。They're all over the map.

我可以在地图上指给您看。I can show you on the map.