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西印度群岛中安提瓜和巴布达的一个岛屿,在安提瓜北面,于'9年至872年间被私人占有。An island of Antigua and Barbuda in the West Indies north of Antigua. It was privately owned from '9 to 872.

欧洲联盟,澳大利亚,加拿大,哥斯达黎加,印度,澳门和日本已经加入安提瓜和巴布达在提交索赔。The European Union, Australia, Canada, Costa Rica, India, Macao and Japan have joined Antigua and Barbuda in filing claims.

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中安两国同属发展中国家,加快教育发展是我们两国共同面临的目标和任务。As developing countries, China and Antigua and Barbuda share the same goals and objectives in accelerating the development of education.

为中安两国人民友谊架起桥梁,用你们的聪明才智完成学业。The people of Antigua and Barbuda are expecting you to be back following the completion of your courses in China with your talents and wisdom.

安巴人民期待着你们学成归来,中国大使馆期待着你们为中安两国人民友谊做贡献。It is the hope of the Chinese Embassy that your will be able to make great contributions to the friendship between China and Antigua and Barbuda.

中方对安巴政府坚持一个中国政策和承认中国完全市场经济地位表示赞赏。China appreciates the government of Antigua and Barbuda for adhering to the one-China policy and acknowledging China's full market economy status.

2004年11月18日,国家副主席曾庆红在人民大会堂会见了安提瓜和巴布达总理斯潘塞。Chinese Vice President Zeng Qinghong met in the Great Hall of the People with Antigua and Barbuda Prime Minister Baldwin Spencer on November 18, 2004.

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中国代表团支持安提瓜和巴布达代表“77国集团加中国”在本议题下所作发言。The Chinese delegation associates itself with the statement made by Antigua and Barbuda on behalf of the Group of 77 and China under this agenda item.

美国国务院表彰了10名来自世界各地的活动人士为英雄,安提瓜与巴布达的妇女权利支持者罗索是其中之一。The State Department event honored 10 activists from around the world as heroes, among them Antigua and Barbuda women’s rights advocate Sheila Roseau.

温家宝说,中国与安提瓜和巴布达同属发展中国家,加强友好合作符合两国人民的根本利益。Wen Jiabao said that both China and Antigua and Barbuda are developing countries and strengthening friendly cooperation is in the fundamental interests of the two peoples.

皮质醇博士表示,尽管有挑战,安提瓜和巴布达认为贸易应该是一个工具,为实现可持续增长,发展和减贫工作。Dr. Cort indicated that, notwithstanding the challenges, Antigua and Barbuda believes that trade should be a tool for sustainable growth, development and poverty reduction.

这为安巴的未来培养了一大批优秀人才,为促进安巴经济社会发展起到了积极地推动作用。Many Antigua and Barbuda talents have been cultivated in the top universities of China, who will absolutely be contributive to the social and economic development of Antigua and Barbuda.

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自2007年开始,中国已连续5年向安巴提供政府奖学金,鼓励优秀的安巴青年赴华深造。Since 2007, China has offered government scholarships to the Government of Antigua and Barbuda in five consecutive years, encouraging outstanding Antigua and Barbuda students to study in China.

2004年,当美国禁止来自安提瓜岛和巴布达岛的在线赌博服务时,世贸组织就裁定支持这两个同生岛屿。In 2004, the World Trade Organization ruled in favor of Antigua and Barbuda against the United States when the United States banned online gambling services emanating from the twin-island nation.

中国政府珍视两国的传统友谊,愿与安巴一道,共同构筑长期稳定的合作关系。The Chinese government cherishes the traditional friendship between the two countries and would like to work along with Antigua and Barbuda to jointly build long–term and stable cooperative relations.