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哈勃是一个好学生,也是一个好的运动员。Hubble was a good student. He was a good athlete, too.

埃德温·鲍威尔·哈勃于1889年生于密苏里州马什菲尔德。Edwin Powell Hubble was born in 1889 in Marshfield, Missouri.

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哈勃于二战中离开威尔逊山天文台的职位。Hubble left the Mount Wilson Observatory during World War Two.

卡那斯领导使用哈勃来探索北落师门行星的小组。Kalas led the team using Hubble to discover Fomalhaut's planet.

1994年哈勃望远镜发现了一个新风暴,但位置在北半球。In 1994, Hubble found a new one, but in the northern hemisphere.

他们第一次看到它在六月二十八对哈勃望远镜的照片。They first saw it in a Hubble photo taken on June twenty-eighth.

哈勃空间看远镜就是使用CCD作为主要成像设备。The Hubble Space Telescope uses a CCD as its main imaging device.

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HST-1是在1999年第一次由哈勃望远镜发现并被天文学家命名的。HST-1 was first discovered and named by Hubble astronomers in 1999.

斁“奋进”号航天飞机将把宇航员送上哈勃望远镋。Thee shuttle Endeavour will be taking the astronauts to the Hubble.

这幅图像如同很多其他哈勃图像,具有奇异的阶梯状外形。This image, like many Hubble images, has a curious stair-step shape.

哈勃以前记录到的图片里就能看到这个三元星系的最外层景观。The archived Hubble picture shows the outermost of that planetary trio.

格伦斯菲尔德将使用该工具做对哈勃太空望远镜进行维修。Grunsfeld will use the tool to do repairs on the Hubble Space Telescope.

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哈勃望远镜的新图像恰恰显示出这个非常的物体它有多么细长。The new Hubble image shows just how elongated this unusual object really is

天文学家们可以使用哈勃数据来描绘这种黑洞系统。Using Hubble data, astronomers were able to describe the black-hole system.

哈勃太空看远镜拍摄了很多对撞在一起的星系。The Hubble Space Telescope has photographed many pairs of galaxies colliding.

在哈勃和VLT图像中,超星系团中的星系清晰可见。The galaxies in the cluster are clearly visible in the Hubble and VLT images.

维勒先生曾与“哈勃”计划密切合作,自1963七十九个。Weiler has worked closely with the Hubble program since nineteen seventy-nine.

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上面是哈勃太空望远镜拍的M72中约10万颗恒星。Pictured above by the Hubble Space Telescope are about 100, 000 of M72's stars.

上图是哈勃太空望远镜拍摄的近红外光图像。The above image was taken in near-infrared light by the Hubble Space Telescope.

更多关于WFPC2如何构成图像的信息请访问Hubblesite.For more information on how the WFPC2 constructed images, visit the Hubble site.