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模拟分离演习也同时进行。Simulated breakaway maneuvers were also conducted.

自2001年以来,巴卡尔已导致昂儒昂岛的分裂领土。Since 2001, Bacar has led Anjouan as a breakaway territory.

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这次争论使一部份人另立门户,成立了一个新的团体。This dispute led to the formation of a new breakaway group.

巨大的裂缝和掉落的冰团是摆在面前的不祥的征兆。Big cracks and breakaway pieces are foreboding signs of what's ahead.

二元,矩阵,联合利华,杂交,阶梯状,分离和澳大利亚。Binary, Matrix, Unilevel, Hybrid, Stair-Step, Breakaway and Australian.

我默默地把这份爱埋藏于心底,愿远走他乡的朋友万事如意!I buried my heart this love in silence, And breakaway friend good luck!

现在就去深林中搜寻,在布鲁诺森林大逃亡中获得350分。Search deep in the woods for a score of 350 on Bruno's Backwoods Breakaway.

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这个计划要求对格鲁尼亚分裂省未来的地位进行讨论。The plan also calls for discussion on future status of Georgia's breakaway provinces.

分离出的索马里兰共和国的城镇男人肩扛着山羊走向小艇上以便出口。Townsmen in the breakaway Republic of Somaliland shoulder goats to a boat for export.

那么当你再次来到画布前,就能以一种新的眼光审视,这不无裨益。The breakaway can really be very beneficial as you return to the canvas with a fresh eye.

他也是格鲁吉亚独立地区阿布哈兹和南奥塞梯的后盾。He also backs the independence of the breakaway Georgian regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

只有这样,才能认真讨论和处理格鲁吉亚希望独立的那些地区的问题。Only then could serious discussions about the status of breakaway regions in Georgia be addressed.

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索马里一名海盗元凶在宣布独立的邦特兰州某法院被判处死刑。A pirate ringleader has been sentenced to death by a court in the breakaway Somali state of Puntland.

昂山素季已经通过律师表达了对新党的成立的不满。Suu Kyi has expressed dissatisfaction through her lawyer with the formation of the new breakaway party.

在四月初的乔治亚州在两个分离的地区就发现了一个俄罗斯军队和他们的设备。In early April Georgia detected a build-up of Russian troops and equipment in the two breakaway regions.

尽管很难和你说再见但我会冒一次险,要一个机会,作一次改变,离开。Though it's not easy to tell you goodbye, I gotta take a risk, ask a chance, make a change, and breakaway.

这个所谓的缓冲区是格鲁吉亚和分离地区南奥塞梯之间的地带。The so-called buffer zone is a strip of land that borders Georgia and its breakaway region of South O etia.

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这个所谓的缓冲区是格鲁吉亚和分离地区南奥塞梯之间的地带。The so-called buffer zone is a strip of land that borders Georgia and its breakaway region of South Ossetia.

OPW公司开发了这种适用于重载卡车和公交巴士NGV燃料补加操作的在线联接切断装置。OPW has developed an in-line breakaway that can be used in heavy-duty truck and bus NGV refueling applications.

美国总统布什说,这次军事冲突焦点--两个争取独立的地区会留在格鲁吉亚。President Bush says the breakaway republics at the center of this military conflict will remain part of Georgia.