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带领门徒包括传福音,但是在此基础上拓展了。Discipleship includes evangelism, but it extends beyond it.�

我会把传福音归在带领门徒的施洗那部分。I would include evangelism under the baptizing part of discipleship.�

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但在他们当中,教会服侍也包含了纪律。But in the New Testament, church discipleship also involved discipline.

主呼召门徒来跟随他,即便是在水面上也是如此。The call of discipleship is to follow after Jesus, even onto the water.

贾德森出版社提供青年门徒课程中,英文和西班牙文。Judson Press offers youth discipleship curriculum in both English and Spanish.

现在他们正在寻求帮助,希望知道如何在当地开始有门徒小组。Now they are asking for help on how to begin a discipleship group in the area.

但是门徒造就必定要教导——成为顺服基督的人。But discipleship goes on into teaching—into a lifestyle of obedience to Christ.�

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大使命的主要任务是带领门徒,其次才是传福音。The Great Commission is primarily about discipleship and only secondly about evangelism.�

这使徒成长系列的第四本书是使徒训练课程一年期完成的。This fourth book in the growing disciple series completes a year-long discipleship training course.

我们广受欢迎的「霹啪959」电台广播节目和网上播客也是我们整全门训事工的表表者。Our popular PP959 radio show and podcast is another example of our integrated discipleship ministry.

把我们的生命毫无保留地奉献给耶稣,会令我们作门徒的生活困难重重。Surrendering our lives fully to Jesus will create situations in which discipleship seems inconvenient.

她那门徒生命的影响力,我们也可从那些出现在她家里很悲伤的寡妇可以看出。The evidence of the impact of her discipleship is seen in the mourning widows who showed up at her house.

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祷告他们接受所需要的门训及支援,使他们在信仰中刚强坚定的成长。Pray that they will receive the discipleship and support they need to grow strong and firm in their faith.

这些年以来,在耶稣这位最好的老师的教导下犹大并没有改变。这是多么令人难过的事啊!He did not change for the better over those years of discipleship under the greatest teacher and trainer, Jesus. Sad!

因此我们邀请您向您的青少年孩子挑战,来参加即将来临的根植智慧〝门徒训练年会〞。As such, we hereby invite you to challenge your teens to join us for our upcoming discipleship conference with Planet Wisdom.

华人工作时间长,为当地教会的事工以及实行栽培训练计画增添很多困难。会议的时间必须订在夜晚。Working long hours make church ministry and discipleship effort very difficult as meeting times tend to be very late at night.

他负责教会的行政事务以及预备门徒培训信息的抄本。He fully oversees the church administration and faithfully transcribes the Bible Overview Message for every Discipleship Training session.

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当我们的灵性操练竖起警旗时,我们应该屏息静气,重拾平稳的信徒生命步伐,有人正在看著我们呢。When our spiritual exercises flag, it's important to catch our breath and get back to a steady stride of discipleship. Others are watching.

门徒的人生被形容为与神同行的人生,我们是与永不放弃、绝不气馁、宽宏大量的神同行。The life of discipleship has been described as walking with God. We walk with a never-giving-up, unwilling-to-let-go, outrageously generous God.

祷告以圣经为基础的门训及教导能接续在广传的宣教行动之后,帮助信徒在生活中跟随主。Pray that this widespread evangelism would be followed by Bible-based discipleship and teaching to help people follow Jesus Christ in their lives.