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如此烦躁、备受折磨!I fret and suffer torments!

疑惑使他烦躁不安。Doubts began to fret his mind.

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韩国对此产生焦虑也许颇有来由。The Koreans may have reason to fret.

你笑的越多,知道的越少,你变得忧心忡忡。The more you laugh, The less you fret.

忘记这疲劳、热病和焦躁The weariness, the fever, and the fret

可不能让悲伤挫伤了你的勇气。Don't let sorrow fret away your courage.

如因您正在接待仆人方外入经历,没有要担口。Don't fret if you are a newbie at hosting.

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过去、现在和将来更让我烦躁不堪。I fret about the past, the present, the future.

如果某件事你控制不了,那为什么还要为它而烦恼呢?If it’s out of your control, why fret about it?

你更担心通货膨胀还是通货紧缩?SHOULD you fret more about inflation or deflation?

在莫伟加沙漠,他们为一种龟而担忧。In the Mojave they fret about a species of tortoise.

怪不得帝刹桀那样的担心自己。No surprise that emperor Cha Jie so of fret oneself.

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城市规划者可能会为拥护的交通和环境的污染而犯愁。Urban planners may fret about traffic and pollution.

别烦了,你所需要的只是一个“衣橱诊断师”。But fret no more, all you need is a wardrobe therapist.

尽管外国工会欢呼雀跃,但是跨国公司却愁眉不展。While foreign unions cheer, multinational companies fret.

为此而烦恼使我疲惫,这无论如何也于我无益。It wearies me to fret about it, and it does no good, anyway.

分析师则担心不良贷款日益加剧的风险。Analysts fret about the growing risks of nonperforming loans.

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别难过,别为这事太烦恼啦,没救了。Don't take on, and fret about it too much! it can't be helped.

反恐专家们对那些能在家里制造出的烈性炸药甚感烦恼。Counter-terrorism experts fret about home-made high explosives.

不要担心,因为它不会被其中的一个少年独轮电影。Don't fret because it won't be one of those teen slasher movies.