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我是一个目标设定法的倡导者。I am a proponent of setting goals.

你成为了某一目标的口头拥护者。You are a vocal proponent for a cause.

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瓦格纳是早期的交响乐支持者。Wagner was an early proponent of the art.

说句实话,我痛恨那些演讲。I am not a proponent of the elevator speech.

奥尔科特是自己是一个提倡妇女的权利。Alcott was herself a proponent of women's rights.

坎波斯是员工责任制的强烈支持者。Campos is a strong proponent of employee accountability.

你已经长时间的作为死板的数据和统计的倡议者。You’ve long been a proponent of hard data and statistics.

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斯塔普是力主在汽车上采用座椅安全带的早期创导者。Stapp became a strong early proponent of automobile seat belts.

我强烈支持以写日记来获得主意和思想。I am a big proponent of writing in a journal to capture ideas and thoughts.

本月初就职的梅是这种观念最鲜明的倡导者。May, who took office earlier this month, is the starkest proponent of this.

马修•李普曼是儿童哲学的主要提出者和倡导者。Matthew Lipman is the main proponent and advocate for children's philosophy.

哈佛的赫伯特•本森大概是这理论最具说服力的提倡者。Harvard’s Herbert Benson is probably the most persuasive proponent of this view.

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富有讽刺意味的是,切尼这样一个统一执行权的支持者竟推动了这一趋势的发展。It's ironic that Cheney, a proponent of the unitary executive, drove this trend.

金君瓦拉是仓位集中理论的坚定支持者。Rakesh Jhunjhunwala is an unabashed proponent of the concentrated portfolio theory.

哈尔西被认为是进步教育价值观的主要拥护者。Halsey was identified as a leading proponent of the values of progressive education.

让你的工作神秘化神秘总是会留给人巨大的印象。Provide Value from Within a Black Box – Mystery is a huge proponent of impressiveness.

罗斯福听上去有些像后来称为威尔逊主义的理想国际主义的拥趸。Roosevelt could sound like a proponent of what today we call Wilsonian internationalism.

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我并不支持严格控制“生育权”,但我看不到其他出路。I'm not a proponent of restricting "reproductive rights" but I don't see many other options.

在法国洗衣房,凯勒成为一个烹饪各县随已知系统的早期倡议者。At The French Laundry, Keller became an early proponent of a system of cooking known as sous vide.

任何一个合法化的诚实的支持者会明智的想到整体的吸毒量将会增加。Any honest proponent of legalisation would be wise to assume that drug-taking as a whole would rise.