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而今,它在不倦的旅程中依然一尘不染Now,unsullied from its tireless journey

他们不倦地追求超额利润。They are tireless in hunting for super profits.

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他们总是不倦地追求超额利润。They are tireless in hunting for super-profits.

不知疲倦的产品出口国和就业进口国?Tireless exporter of goods and importer of jobs?

他们艰苦的工作和不倦的勇气拯救了我们。Their toils and tireless courage were our salvat.

日本人的训练方法即缺乏幽默感又不知疲倦。Jap training methods are both humorless and tireless.

伯承同志是勤读不厌的模范。Comrade Bocheng is a fine example of a tireless reader.

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阿伦是不知疲倦的神射手,皮尔斯是侧翼艺术大师,加内特是防守之王。Allen is the tireless sharpshooter. Pierce is the elbow virtuoso.

生命,一次又一次轻薄过,轻狂不知疲倦。Life, thin and light-off time and time again. Frivolous tireless.

经济人和出版商无时不在发掘有才无名的作家。Agents and publishers are tireless in their search for unknown talent.

敏茨获得了对不知疲倦抱负”灰色角落“一瞥的难得机会。Mintz has gotten a rare glimpse at the underbelly of tireless ambition.

众所周知,资本家对超额利润的追求总是不知疲乏的。As is known to the world, capitalists are tireless in hunting for super profit.

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奥运健儿不懈的追求给我们每一个人树立了一道丰碑。The tireless -pursuit spirit of Olympic athletes has set a model for each of us.

她对伤员不知疲倦的照顾使她誉满全球。Her tireless ministrations to the wounded soldiers made her famous all over the world.

她在学术上是位孜孜不倦的领导者、织者,更是耀眼的学者与启发人心的导师。She has been a tireless leader and organizer, a stellar scholar, and an inspiring teacher.

毕竟,指示犬是一种充满活力和动力的犬种,就像野心勃勃的猎犬一样不知疲倦。After all, pointers are full of energy and go-power, tireless as hard-driving hunting dogs.

Zulu先生是一位充满活力和不屈不挠的结核病和艾滋病毒合并感染者利益代言人。Mr Zulu is a dynamic and tireless advocate on behalf of people co-infected with TB and HIV.

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考虑到创业者往往是不知疲倦的乐观主义者,而即使是有经验的老手实际上也需要有恐慌感。Given that entrepreneurs tend to be tireless optimists, even experienced hands need a scare.

他们也受欢迎,因为所有的掌舵者每逢聚在一起的时候,个个都…They were likewise welcome because all pilots were tireless talkers, when gathered together.

阿棚屋步态,或任何步态是不能完全有效的和不懈的是要受到惩罚。A stilted gait, or any gait that is not completely efficient and tireless is to be penalized.