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随着一声号角,光亮再现。As a clarion sounding light returns.

音频系统供应嘹亮。The audio system was supplied by Clarion.

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号角吹响,独角戏登场。Clarion is blowing, it's time for your monodrama.

当我们袖手旁观的时候,自由解放的号角声遭到了嘲弄。Clarion calls to liberation had been mocked when we stood by.

只有它的号声才能将德鲁伊们从长眠中唤醒。Only its clarion call can awaken the druids from their slumber.

但是在我写那本书时我有个时刻吹响了真理的号角。But I had a clarion moment of truth during the process of that book.

改革开放的号角鼓荡起东方的雄风。Clarion call for reform and opening up Gudang Treasures from the Orient.

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结算号召通牒时,你才需要选择五个永久物。You don't choose five permanents you control until Clarion Ultimatum resolves.

因为母亲美丽的孕育,是生命的第一声嘹亮,所以我歌唱母亲。Because of the beautiful mother bred , the first clarion of life, so I sing the mother.

古人为何如此重视理想呢?因为理想是沙漠中的绿洲,是暗夜里的灯光,是吹响生命的号角。Because the ideal is an oasis in the desert , a light in the dark, the clarion call of life.

不断重复这个练习,从低音C到中音C,五个音符一组。Continue the exercise from chalumeau to clarion C, and then back down again, five notes at a time.

这意味着,克拉里恩为全面推进素质教育已在教育战线引爆。It means that the clarion for roundly advancing quality education has blew at educational battlefront.

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不管你是否同情她,她的声音有如迷雾中的号角,应该被众人听见。Whether one is sympathetic with her or not, her voice is like a clarion in the fog and should be heard, " Mr Rickman said."

房地产最老生常谈的就是----地理位置,地理位置,地理位置----也许不久就会成为所有行业最热门的追捧。THAT hoariest of real estate truisms — location, location, location — may soon be a clarion call for all sorts of businesses.

他天生声音洪亮,喜欢在森林中放歌,那里的人们天生喜欢在绿山环抱中畅饮。He is carved in genius clarion after the forest, where people conceit and enjoy their beer surrounded by lashed green vegetation.

当时,法国人和意大利人设计的这种庭园闻名于世,从而吹响了回归古典的号角。At that time , this kind of design of French and Italian is famous in the world , then blowing the clarion to back to classicality.

将军们欲禁止她对自由的呐喊,唯一的原因是因为他们害怕她和她所代表的原则主张。The only reason the generals need to silence her clarion call for freedom is because they fear her and the principles she stands for.

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文章的最后,巴斯夏吹响自由的号角,并拒绝一切强加于人民的非自然的社会安排的建议。Bastiat closes his volume with a clarion call for freedom and a rejection of all proposals to impose unnatural social arrangements on people.

这夜晚同样地受惠于公鸡怀着不眠之夜的希翼发出的啼叫。鸡啼从日落时分便开始了,过早地迎接黎明。The night is equally indebted to the clarion of the cock, with wakeful hope, from the very setting of the sun, prematurely ushering in the dawn.

而把这个感人的呼吁叫做欺人之谈的,却是出自懂得做风险投资、却对复杂的索马里问题所知无几的某人之口。Call this clarion call a charlatan call coming from someone who understands less about the complex Somalia problem than about making business venture.