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静待春天的贝加尔湖。Baikal waiting for spring.

圣点在俄罗斯的贝加尔湖。Svyatoy Point in Russia's Lake Baikal.

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在贝尔加湖东部,森林染黑了地平线。Forests darken the horizon east of Lake Baikal.

贝加尔湖震撼人心,是世界上最深最清的湖。Baikal is the most beautiful place in the world.

他们把它叫作贝加尔海。并为之讴歌吟颂。They call it the baikal sea and sing songs about it.

西伯利亚和贝加尔湖就位于这些山岭的北方。North of these mountains lies Siberia-and Lake Baikal.

其中一个是属于联邦级旅游度假区“贝加尔港湾”。One is a federal-level tourist resort, "Baikal harbor."

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贝加儿湖是世界上最深的湖泊。Lake Baikal is the deepest of all the lakes in the world.

夏天,溪水从山谷流进贝加尔湖。In summer the stream from the gully flows into the Baikal.

伊尔库次克俄国中南部城市,靠近贝加尔湖的南端。A city of south-central Russia near the southern end of Lake Baikal.

巨型“雪画”的黑冰原来就是世界上最古老、容量最大,最深的淡水湖贝加尔湖。Remote Lake Baikal is the world's oldest and deepest fresh water lake.

科学家研究贝加尔湖,以更好地了解进化科学。Scientists study Lake Baikal to better understand evolutionary science.

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第七届贝加尔国际经济论坛12日在伊尔库茨克开幕,将于14日闭幕。Seventh International Baikal Economic Forum opening 12 in Irkutsk, will be 14.

今年三月份,一群俄罗斯人步上了贝加尔湖之旅。This trip to the Baikal was made by several Russian men in March of this year.

布里亚特-蒙古人历史上是蒙古族的一支,居住在贝加尔湖地区。Historically buriat-mongol were a branch of mongol residing in the baikal region.

第三天——驱车去了岛屿的北部,并很快到达了贝加尔湖湖畔。Day 3. Cars rush to the North of the island and soon reach the bank of the Baikal.

贝加尔湖的Listvyanka村,山谷中的房屋和菜园中劳作的村民。Houses in valley &villagers working in Garden in Listvyanka village on Lake Baikal.

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比如在第一天,我们在贝加尔湖边的“102公里车站”暂时停车,这个车站是为舒米卡村设立的。On our first day, for example, we paused at “102km stop” on the shores of Lake Baikal.

我们用一支火把给引擎解了冻,驱车前往冰封的贝加尔湖。After using a blow torch to de-freeze the engine, we drove out on to frozen Lake Baikal.

但是克林姆林宫难道不该考虑一下在贝加尔湖的正发生着什么吗?But shouldn't the Kremlin be deeply concerned over what is happening beyond Lake Baikal?