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蚂蟥牧人欢欣鼓舞。Leech wranglers are exultant.

蚂蟥的市场价格是多少啊?How many is the leech market price?

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这种水蛭在十大新物种之列。The leech is described in a top 10 list of new species.

我拒绝任何用户都是一个揩油者或者占他人便宜者这种看法。I reject the notion that any user is a freeloader or a leech.

难道我没有明白地说,加入少许水蛭的汁液就够了吗?Didn't I state plainly that a dash of leech juice would suffice?

只是他有—两位牧师陪着,还有一个医生。But he hath a godly minister or two with him, and likewise a leech.

这样的人被戏称为“吸血鬼”,更具体的说,是“网络上的吸血鬼”。Other terms are used, such as freeloader, but leech is the most common.

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后来,尽管还是害怕水蛭,我为自己身处奇妙的境地感到激动。Then, despite the leech fears, I am hit by the strange wonder of my situation.

上层社会,也是大家心目中的喜欢榨取先辈资本的一个群体。The upper classes, too, were always expected to leech off their ancestors’ capital.

女儿没有掉一滴泪,直到我准备要把这个小蚂蟥扔到营火去烧死。No tears I should say until I was ready to pitch the little leech body into the campfire.

他倾曳出了腐臭蛭,不够理想,但是也没什么值得抱怨的了。He revealed?Putrid Leech. Not as exciting, but a free Leech was nothing to complain about.

之后病患接受硬式喉直达内视镜手术,取出一长约3公分的水蛭。Using a direct rigid laryngoscope under intravenous general anesthesia, a 3 cm leech was removed.

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美国传统词典上指出吸血虫leech来自一个不同的印欧词根。The American Heritage Dictionary points to a different Indo-European root for the sucking kind of leech.

中华宽体金线蛭AP神经元对压力刺激部位信息的传出调制效应。The Efferent Modulation Effect of AP Neuron on the Positional Information of Pressure Stimulus in the Leech.

如果这一发现过程你感到还不够恶心,那么,长着牙齿的水蛭,则是在一些成年男人的鼻子里发现的,够你烦上一阵儿了吧。And if that’s not disturbing enough for ya, the leech with teeth was actually discovered up some dude’s nose.

佩戴者每日可抵抗两次以其为目标的吸能效果异能。The wearer od a torc of leech freedom automatically resists up to two uses of power leech against him per day.

反语作为交际中一种常见的语言现象,可以用利奇的礼貌原则进行解释。Irony, as a common language phenomenon in communication, can be explained with the Politeness Principle proposed by Leech.

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久坐会不可以避免地导致疼痛,这样的话你的身体就需要能量来减轻疼痛。Attempting to do so inevitably creates aches and pains that leech your energy as your body tries to compensate and heal them.

目前,国外药物学家已开发蚂蟥药物20多种,使蚂蟥身价倍增。Current, foreign materia medica home already developed leech medicaments 20 a variety of, make leech social status times add.

蚂蟥供不应求蚂蟥又名水蛭,有破血、逐淤、通经作用。Leech demands exceeds supply leech renown bloodsucker, have broken blood, pursue action of silt, stimulate the menstrual flow.