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把多余的杯子都重新装入箱中。Repack all the superfluous cups in the box.

于是她从来都不对他说多余的话。So she never said superfluous words to him.

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写电报稿要省去不必要的字。In writing telegrams, omit superfluous words.

对这种指控作出评论是多余的。It is superfluous to comment on such charges.

过剩的财产只能购去过剩的工具。Superfluous wealth can and superfluities only.

过剩的财产只能购去过剩的工具。Superfluous wealth can but superfluities only.

多余的财富购买的只是多余。Superfluous wealth can buy superfluities only.

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女人的眼泪,在男人的眼里只是多余的。Women's tears, in the eyes of men only superfluous.

这个词当中倒数第三个音节重读。The antepenult is stressed in the word "superfluous".

真相就是“不”这个词是多余的。The great truth is that the word "not" is superfluous.

早就有人同他说过,所以我们的意见是多余的。He has already been told, so our comments are superfluous.

对许多人来说,iPad2上的摄像头显得有点多余。For many, the cameras on the iPad 2 seem a bit superfluous.

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乍一看,这个问题显得很多余。At first glance the question might appear to be superfluous.

最终从网页中消灭了泛滥成灾的表格。In the end, superfluous tables were eliminated from the page.

交流如果是可能的,所有的词语应该都是多余的。"Vocalise" is a song in which words would truly be superfluous.

所以,赶紧把下赘的脸皮往上提一提吧!Therefore, hurries the under superfluous facial skin upward to raise!

在发掘中要确定备份、差距和多余的资源。Identify redundancies, gaps, and superfluous resources in the inventory.

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还有一些不同理解,不赘举。There are a number of different interpretations, not superfluous to cite.

在有些地区表现为营养不足,有些地区是营养过剩。In some areas expression is inanition, some areas are nutrition superfluous.

心无杂念,不感到任何疼痛。No superfluous ideas and personal considerations in mind, not feel any pain.