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他是精明能干的人。He is capable man.

他是个能干的小组长。He is a capable group leader.

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她是一个画艺出色的画家!She is a very capable painter.

我总是能下手杀人。I was always capable of murder.

它们可以自我更新They're capable of self-renewal.

我得承认她很能干。I must allow that she is capable.

坎宁先生是个能干的人。Mr. Cunningham was a capable man.

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他是一位多么能干的经理呀!He is capable of great villainies.

至于能否为善,我可就不得而知了。Whether capable of good I know not.

我怀疑你的能力是否会办得到。I doubt you're capable of making it.

可附带按键式开关功能。Capable for adapting with push switch.

这些存粮可以维持我们一周的食用。He's not capable of sustaining shocks.

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她的能力并不比别人弱。She's no less capable than the others.

猪能进行代偿性生长吗?Are pigs capable of compensatory growth?

这种情况是可以改善的.The situation is capable of improvement.

皮质的松软与不锈钢边干练的点缀。Soft leather and capable stainless steel.

向你的老师表现出你能干什么。Show your teacher what you are capable of.

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这些侦察员很精干。These scouts are very shrewed and capable.

但她却有自己爱的方式。But she is capable of love of her own sort.

他很可能怠忽职责。He is quite capable of neglecting his duty.