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她看上很温和,却不屈不饶地对抗生存问题。She seemed gentle, yet indefatigably determined to survive.

不管追求什么目标,都迎坚持不懈。Pursue your object be it what it will steadily and indefatigably.

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为造就具有现代军事科学知识的干部,伯承呕心沥血。He worked indefatigably to train cadres in modern military science.

不管追求什么目标,都应僵持不懈。Pursue your object, this what it will, steofferily very goodd indefatigably.

为了激发年轻人对音乐的兴趣,她一直孜孜不倦、积极热情地工作。She worked indefatigably and enthusiastically to interest the young in music.

给他的任务他总是全心全意不屈不挠地去完成。He always applies himself wholeheartedly and indefatigably to the tasks given him.

和谐社会是人类孜孜以求的理想目标。A harmonious society is an ideal for which mankind has been searching indefatigably.

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犹太人以恒久地信守犹太律法、维护传统文化而闻名于世。Jews are famous for abiding by the Jewish law and preserving the traditional Hebrew culture indefatigably.

他定居北京后,不知疲倦地致力于世界和平与各国人民友好事业。After he settled down in Beijing, he worked indefatigably for world peace and friendship among the peoples.

我们必须热情而不知疲倦地努力缩减科学发展与道德发展之间的鸿沟。We must work passionately and indefatigably to bridge the gulf between our scientific progress and our moral progress.

健全社会主义法制,维护司法公正是法律工作者不懈追求的目标。The goal for the lawyers to seek indefatigably is to perfect the socialist legal system and uphold the judicial justice.

使每一个人都能得到自由而全面的发展,是人类孜孜以求的理想境界。To make everyone develop in every aspect with complete freedom is the ideal that human beings have been indefatigably pursuing.

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面对生存人类有着各式各样的看法,画家们是怎样面对世界的呢?走着怎样的路,才会不知疲惫的画着画呢?Human beings have various attitudes toward existence, what about the painters'? To have a what way, can they paint so indefatigably?

针对目前的市场现状,政府部门、行业协会和橱柜业优秀企业在不懈地进行着努力。Be aimed at current market current situation, preeminent company is having government sector, guild and ambry job indefatigably hard.

因此我们公司也不断创新、变革,以适应于变化多端的市场和不同的客户。To adapt to the fast changing and increasingly competitive market, we are as always indefatigably making great effort in technical renovation.

在强大的集团结构支撑下,我们孜孜不倦的努力正让奥迪成为高档车市场上最具吸引力、盈利状况最好的汽车生产商。With the backing of a strong group structure, we have been working indefatigably to become the most attractive and profitable carmaker in the premium segment.

最后,我们感谢钱炜的弟弟钱佐,一位退休中文教师。他花了很大力气帮助我们翻译季老散文中出现的古文和诗词。关晓峰女士给予我们类似的帮助。Finally, we wish to express our gratitude to Wei's brother Qian Zuo, a retired teacher of Chinese who worked indefatigably to help us with the translation of classic poems, and to Mrs.

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我为遍净普贤行,文殊师利诸大愿,满彼事业尽无余,未来际劫恒无倦。In order to sanctify Samantabhadra's Beneficences, as well as Manjusri's Aspirations, I would pursue incessantly and indefatigably through all coming Kalpas to consummate their dedicated tasks.