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我喜欢在夏天穿露背背心。I like wear halter top in summer.

牵牛要牵牛鼻子。We must lead an ox by the halter.

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她穿着那件露背上衣看起来很性感。She looks sexy in that halter top.

图中的马带了一个梳洗用笼头。This horse is wearing a grooming halter.

几天后,你可以法尔胜了阿尔泰。After a few days, you can fasten the halter.

禁止人们传露背装、短裤和吊带。It also bans halter tops, shorts, and tank tops.

他也是第二个5及以上的阉沃特。He was also second in the Gelding Halter 5 & Older.

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不要将松开的缰绳挂在马身上。Never leave a halter on a horse that is turned loose.

把扣索扣在外侧位于稍上方的笼头环。Attach the snap to the upper halter ring on the off side.

把链子放在笼头鼻革的上方。Lay the chain over the top of the noseband of the halter.

那头骡子仰着头,皮笼头上的红缨,像是秋雨里一朵艳红的鸡冠花。Leather halter on Hongying, such as in a rain of red cockscomb.

再次,让他习惯了被系阿尔泰了好几天。Again, let him get used to the fastened halter for several days.

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另一种是蓝领,可有效预防是一个笼头衣领。Another type of collar that may be effective is a halter collar.

你这个懒汉,去锄吧,拖吧,滚吧,走吧!Do you, lazy idler, delve, drag on, roll, march! Drag your halter.

你的第一个步骤,就是哄他提出与你的时候,你抓住他的阿尔泰。Your first step is to coax him to move with you when you grasp his halter.

醋溜先生抓住牛绳,拉着它在街上走啊走。Mr.Vinegar took hold of the cow's halter and led her up and down the street.

抹胸款和颈带款婚纱都是大忌,千万不要贸然尝试。Bra wedding, halter wedding dress is also a short section of taboo, do not try

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所有您需要的游戏是你的马,希望笼头和长期铅绳。All you will need for the games is your horse, a hope halter and a long lead rope.

主人把他身上的金笼头和漂亮的鞍子取了下来,卖给了一个车夫。Halter strap can be slipped over head and shoulders to convert to a bandeau shape.

处于这种状态,人才能不受任何羁绊,不给自己的心留一点缺憾,获得心灵的自由。To be in this condition, you can have no halter and gain the freedom of your heart.