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汽车温度检测波纹管。Automotive temperature-sensing bellows.

我得到了一份汽车修理工的工作。I got a job as the automotive internist.

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大家应当如何定义汽车的丑陋呢?How should one define automotive ugliness?

自动化与微处理器的开发Automotive and microcontrollers development

中国汽车报社隶属人民日报社。China Automotive News under the People's Daily.

汽车安全与节能学报,2011年,第2卷第2期。Automotive Safety and Energy, 2011, Vol. 2 No. 2

一般汽车发动机多采用水冷却。The use of general automotive engine cooling water.

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福建冠良汽车配件工业有限公司。Fujian Guanlean Automotive Parts Industry Co. , Ltd.

正在做一个地方汽车行业门户站。Local automotive industry is doing a portal station.

戈伊汽车公司是一个汽车社会企业。Goy Motor Company is an automotive social enterprise.

我有一个客户谁经营一家汽车修理店。I have a customer who runs an automotive repair shop.

工作台灯为所有汽车照明用。LED lights work for all automotive lighting purposes.

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墙上的架子开出的金属,以汽车油漆。Wall hangers made out of metal with automotive paint.

某汽车横向稳定杆未经使用即发生开裂。An unused automotive cross-steadied stick was cracked.

1950年英国称霸于全球汽车市场。In 1950 Britain dominated the global automotive market.

但是中国凸显汽车贸易对它来说也俱风险。But spotlighting automotive trade may be risky for China.

微控制器开发和自动系统支持Microcontroller development and automotive system support

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弥缝圈、汽车配件、把儿、齿轮等。Seal rings, automotive parts, handle grip, gear wheel etc.

我是同济大学汽车学院的应届生。I am a student from Automotive College of Tongji University.

在美国汽车工业之都底特律,气氛一片萧瑟。In Detroit, the U.S. automotive capital, the mood is somber.