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安德烈-沃罗宁已经证实下赛季他不会呆在柏林赫塔。Andriy Voronin has confirmed that he will not be staying at Hertha Berlin next season.

却在上赛季被租借到柏林赫塔期间大爆发,取得了20场11球的不俗成绩。He spent most of last season on loan at Hertha Berlin, where he scored 11 goals in 20 games.

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柏林赫塔已经承认他们对利物浦前锋沃罗宁的回归非常感兴趣。Hertha Berlin have admitted they are interested in re-signing Liverpool striker Andriy Voronin.

据德国报道赫塔现在的目光已经投向格雷米奥前锋费尔南迪尼奥。Reports in Germany claim Hertha are now turning their attentions to Gremio forward Fernandinho.

本赛季他为柏林赫塔贡献11个进球,而他们也一直寻求进军欧洲冠军杯联赛的机会。He found the target on 11 occasions for Hertha as they challenged for a UEFA Champions League spot.

上赛季柏林赫塔已经租借沃罗宁一整个赛季,他在柏林赫塔效力期间打进11球。Hertha had Voronin on a season-long loan last term and he impressed with 11 goals in the German capital.

挪威新秀约书亚。金没能参加门兴2-1击败柏林赫塔的比赛。Norwegian youngster Joshua King wasn't involved in Borussia Monchengladbach's 2-1 triumph at Hertha Berlin.

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球队星期三飞往帕尔玛参加他们与柏林赫塔以及主办队皇家马洛卡的比赛。United fly to Palma on Wednesday for their two-game tournament against Hertha Berlin and hosts Real Mallorca.

柏林赫塔总经理普里茨已经拒绝否认他们传出购买沃罗宁的转会谣言。Hertha Berlin general manager Michael Preetz has refused to deny speculation linking them with a move for Andriy Voronin.

塞尔维亚、加纳和澳大利亚是德国队同在D组的竞争对手,在赫塔老队长眼中将有一连串艰难的比赛。Serbia, Ghana and Australia are their opponents in Group D, a difficult set of matches in the eyes of the Hertha skipper.

虽然他在周二已开始进行单独训练,但赫塔队长阿内·弗里德里希还是不太可能参加周六对多特蒙德的比赛。The Hertha skipper Arne Friedrich is unlikely to face Dortmund on Saturday, even though he had individual training on Tuesday.

保安人员停止在一个德甲足球之间科隆和柏林柏林赫塔2009年11月8日匹配裸奔。Security staff stop a streaker during a Bundesliga soccer match between FC Cologne and Hertha Berlin in Berlin November 8, 2009.

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这名28岁的澳大利亚克罗地亚双国籍的后卫,目前效力于德甲柏林赫塔俱乐部。The target this time is Australo-Croatian defender Josip Simunic, 28, currently in the ranks of Bundesliga outfit Hertha Berlin.

再和柏林赫塔的比赛中,身披绿白战袍的战士们越战越勇,而这种情绪也延续到了与沙尔克的比赛中。As the game against Hertha BSC Berlin indicated, the Green-Whites are on the up-and-up and that trend continued against FC Schalke 04.

他有个坏名声,在他以往效力的俱乐部法兰克福与柏林赫塔,他都涉及在训练期间与队友互殴。He has a bad reputation and at his previous clubs, Frankfurt and Hertha Berlin, he was involved in fisticuffs with team-mates during training.

这位乌克兰国脚上个赛季是在德国柏林赫塔度过的,之前他就表示过在09-10赛季希望能回到安菲尔德为红军战斗。The Ukraine international, who spent last term on loan at Hertha Berlin, has told the boss he wants to fight for his position at Anfield in 2009-10.

巴拉克是在被朴茨茅斯中场,前柏林赫塔球员博阿滕从身后铲倒时受伤的。Ballack picked up the injury after he was sent tumbling to the turf by a heavy challenge from Portsmouth's former Hertha Berlin midfielder Kevin-Prince Boateng.

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克里斯托弗·萨姆巴作为一名赫塔球员飞抵俱乐部在马贝拉的训练营,很可能的是,当赫塔军团返回柏林时他就不再是赫塔的一员了。Christopher Samba flew to the club training camp in Marbella as a Hertha player, chances are, that he will no longer be one when the Hertha posse returns to Berlin.

有英国媒体报道,利物浦正在准备把这名租借在柏林赫塔的29岁前锋出售给沙尔克04。The 29-year-old is currently only on loan at Hertha Berlin and reports originating from the English press suggest that Liverpool are in talks to sell him outright to Schalke.

从柏林赫塔租借回归的沃罗宁尽管有所建树,但全无出彩之处,似乎无力分担托雷斯的压力。The striker Andriy Voronin featured following a year on loan at Hertha Berlin but despite scoring, he failed to shine and does not look capable of easing the burden on Fernando Torres.