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这的确是很令人警醒的论述。It's a startling argument.

答案相当惊人The answer is fairly startling.

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我在留言版上读到了一些雷人的新闻。I read some startling news today on BBS.

我们应当从这些触目惊心的事实中吸取教训。We should draw a moral from the startling fact.

摩萨德曾有担负令人震惊的风险作案的先例。The Mossad has a record of taking startling risks.

钟东凡间谍案的规模令人吃惊。The scale of Chung's alleged espionage is startling.

但随后,美军发现了个惊天大秘密。But afterward, the troops made a startling discovery.

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我不会想起谁,那般疼痛的滋味触目惊心。I do not recall who the taste of the pain so startling.

随着更深入的研究,阿尔提耶里博士有了更为惊人的发现。Digging deeper, Dr Altieri found a more startling result.

他能够写出极具创意的作品。He was capable of writing things of startling originality.

然而,这两部影片都饱含着巨大的冲击力,以及令人无法释怀的寒意。But both films have a startling impact and a lingering chill.

CICIG调查员随后有更为惊人的发现。CICIG investigators then made an even more startling discovery.

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竞选活动令人昏昏欲睡,但结果却令人吃惊。THE election campaign was soporific but the results are startling.

原谅我。我的情感放任吓着你了。Forgive me for startling you with the impetuosity of my sentiments.

如果刨除亚洲和非洲,人口增长更是惊人。If Asia and Africa are eliminated, the growth is even more startling.

尽管它缺乏振聋发聩的启示,但是这份日记仍然是有益的。Yet despite its absence of startling revelations, the diary is useful.

雷诺兄弟抢劫火车得手之后,带动了一波火车劫案的风潮。A wave of train robberies followed the Reno brothers' startling hold-up.

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惊人的新发明从未在中规中举中产生。Startling new inventions have never come about by designing for the norm.

战争时期,前后方的对比总是非常悬殊的。The contrast between the war front and the back area is always startling.

从飞机的窗口看去,布尔歇机场飞速地向后退去。Outside the window, Le Bourget Airfield dropped away with startling speed.