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腐败也十分流行。Corruption also runs rife.

它总是与矛盾联系在一起。And it is rife with contradictions.

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在这儿,充斥着闭路电视监视系统。Closed-circuit TV surveillance is rife.

中国的劳教制度充斥着虐待。The system in China is rife with abuse.

这是个腐败成风的国家。It is a country where corruption is rife.

到处都在传,说他要辞职了。Rumours are rife that he is going to resign.

迷信盛行于蛮族之间。Superstition is rife among the savage tribes.

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那个国家里仍然贪污成风。Corruption is still running rife in that country.

欺诈、暴力、对内对外的战争四处猖獗。Fraud, violence, war at home and abroad were rife.

泰国的电检制度越来越普遍。Thailand is becoming a country where censorship is rife.

曾经被看做欧式恶习的经济嫉妒,如今却很盛行。Economic envy, once seen as a European vice, is now rife.

关于特雷福伊尔博士的继任人,此间已经谣言蜂起。Rumour is already rife here as to Dr. Trefoil's successor.

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中世纪有很多关于解释的著作。The Middle Ages are rife with treatises on interpretation.

患病倍感羞辱,错误信息盛传,疾病治疗昂贵。Stigma and misinformation are rife. Treatment is expensive.

相比之下,秘密武器的发展流弊颇多。Covert weapons development, in contrast, is rife with problems.

1946年春,戴笠即将退休的流言盛流。In the spring of 1946, rumors of Dai Li's retirement were rife.

1946年春,戴笠即将退休的流言盛流。In the spring of 1946, rumors of Dai Li’s retirement were rife.

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尽管如此,他也承认现实世界里不平等的现象随处可见。Although, he admits that the real world is rife with inequality.

在印度,孟买袭击以后的互相指责成了家常便饭。In India, recriminations after the Mumbai attacks have been rife.

强制的婚姻和家暴案例充斥全国。Forced marriages and domestic violence are rife across the country.