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我爱祖国。I love my country.

誓死保卫祖国!Our country or death!

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她是一个壮伟的国度。She is great country.

中国地大物博。China is a big country.

他为国牺牲了。He died fort he country.

谁统治这个国家?Who govern this country?

我非常热爱这个国家。I just love this country.

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但没有哪个国家免遭结核的困扰。But no country is TB-free.

后来,他逃离这个国家。He later fled the country.

我为我们的祖国感到自豪。I'm pround of our country.

这是一个法律淡泊的国家。This is an outlaw country.

乡村路带我回家。Country road, take me home.

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日本是个岛国。Japan is an island country.

音乐农庄民歌餐厅?。Music Farm Country Kitcher?

中华民国是一个自由的国家。R. O. C. is a free country.

乡村路带我回家。Take me home country roads.

这个电台播放屯子音乐。The st plays country music.

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在你们国家有战队吗?You do your country a clan?

乡村路,带我回家。Country roads, take me home.

我们给我们的国家上税。We pay taxes to our country.