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我们对文化的定义更接近人类学的含义。Our definition of culture is much more anthropological.

这本书是对印第安人的人类学研究。And Lila is an anthropological study of Native Americans.

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但她补充说,可能有更多的人类学因素在起作用。But she adds there's probably a more anthropological reason at work.

斯通金博士说,“我源于人类学的视角,我们想知道这是怎样一回事。”I come from the anthropological perspective, and we want to know what the story is.

“升华就像我们进入了人类学的下一个阶段一样,”他说。"The ascension is similar to climbing onto the next anthropological stage," he said.

从布鲁尔到拉图尔所体现出的科学知识社会学的人类学转向,具有重要意义。The anthropological turn from David Bloor to Bronu Latour has its great significance.

在所有的人类学资料中,最困难的事莫过于“刻划”古代的黑人。It is the most difficult of all anthropological data on which to "draw" the old Negro.

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文学虚构之所以具有人类学根据,是因为它与人类的本质属性紧密相关。The anthropological basis of literary fictitiousness is closely related with human nature.

确立了实践人类学哲学的边际关系与中心法则等。Establishing marginal relation and central theorem of practical anthropological philosophy.

人类学影视片作为传播媒介,其属性是不存在争议的。Without a doubt, the anthropological film and television is regarded as a transmission media.

二是以布尔迪厄为代表的人类学视角的身体文化理论。Second, Bourdieu as the representative body of anthropological perspective of cultural theory.

大多数场合,他提供人类学视角,将结果留给读者自己去思考。He mostly offers anthropological observations and invites readers to draw their own conclusions.

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本文就Y染色体STR位点的特性以及它们在人类学研究中的应用作一综述。Here, we review the traits of Y-STR and their applications in the study of anthropological research.

美国纽约市的温纳–格伦人类学研究基金会主席。Leslie Aiello is president of the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research in New York City.

人类学影视片是人类学家观察和思考人类社会的有效方法。The anthropological film is the effective way for anthropologists to observe and reflect on human society.

为了更好地了解这些观察结果,他们事先就阅读了一些已经发表出来的关于阿丘阿尔人的人类学研究报告。They also supplemented these observations with previously published anthropological studies of the Achuar.

对于我来说,每人心中有一个自己的上帝这一人类学观点,我并没有严肃认真地看待。It seems to me that the idea of a personal God is an anthropological concept which I cannot take seriously.

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美国人类学协会指出,种族基本上无法用科学方法加以测试及验证。The American Anthropological Association has stated that race simply cannot be tested or proven scientifically.

文章通过田野调查,从人类学的角度描述哈萨克族幼子继承制的遗存及其变迁。This paper describes the remains and changes of the Kazakhs' Ultimo geniture from the anthropological perspective.

不过也有例外,例如在人类学领域中就有不少关于波利尼西亚群岛独木舟设计的论著,只是相关数据太过杂乱无章。With a few exceptions, such as anthropological monographs of canoe design in Polynesia, the data's just too messy.