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他得了不治之症。He got an incurable disease.

他死于一种那个年代不能医治的病。The disease from which he died was at that time incurable.

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亨廷顿氏舞蹈症是不治之症,而且基本上无法治疗。Huntington's disease is incurable and essentially untreatable.

这种现在无法治愈的疾病的大部分受害者是男性。Most of victims of this currently incurable condition are male.

但在忧患、伤痛无法医治的日子,所收割的不过一小堆。But the harvest is a heap on a day of sickness And incurable pain.

天!我得了胃出血,这是绝症吗?是怎么得上的?Day! I got gastrorrhagia , is this incurable disease? How must go up?

血的潮汐成永恒,从他们的专辑无法治愈的悲剧。Tides of Blood by Into Eternity, from their album The Incurable Tragedy.

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为何有的人能够战胜所谓的“无药可医”的病魔,而有的人不能?Why is one man healed of a so-called incurable disease and another isn’t?

这是一种很罕见的病,叫做百鸟朝凤,这是一种不治之症。This is a rare disease called Birds Pay Homage to the King. It's incurable.

然而10年前,她被诊为患有慢性阻塞性肺病,那是一种无药可治的恶疾。But 10 years ago she was diagnosed with COPD, an incurable type of emphysema.

这种不能治愈的疾病主要关系到呼吸和胃部。This incurable illness principally concern respiratory and stomaching system.

这些事以后,耶和华使约兰的肠子患不能医治的病。And after all this the LORD smote him in his bowels with an incurable disease.

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肠道病毒EV71感染大部分病例病情较轻,并且可治愈。EV71 virus intestinal infection most cases less severe diseases and incurable.

这些事以后,耶和华使约兰的肠子患不能医治的病。And after all this the LORD struck him in his bowels with an incurable disease.

白血病是绝症吗?经过骨髓移植就可以治愈吗?。Is leukaemia incurable disease? Can be you cured through medullary transplanting?

有些人心中那挥之不去的焦虑和紧张几乎已经变成了一种无药可救的疾病。The incessant anxiety and strain of some is a well-nigh incurable form of disease.

这些事以后,耶和华使约兰的肠子患不能医治的病。After all this, the Lord afflicted Jehoram with an incurable disease of the bowels.

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老年性黄斑退化影响了英国500,000人并且不可治愈。Age-related macular degeneration affects 500,000 people in the UK and is incurable.

艾滋病是无法治愈的,因为细胞中潜隐感染HIV病毒抵抗抗病毒治疗。AIDS is incurable because cells latently infected with HIV resist antiviral therapy.

我有一个朋友躺在医院里,他患了不治之症,在痛苦中慢慢死去。I have a friend who lies in a hospital, slowly dying of a painful and incurable disease.