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还是对我只有追思会?Would I just be an afterthought?

IBM的比喻演化成一个事后产生的想法。IBM metaphor into more than an afterthought.

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对大多数软件项目而言,质量是马后炮。For most software projects, quality is an afterthought.

以前人们通常认为软件测试只是事后诸葛。It used to be that software testing was an afterthought.

安全多下及时雨,教育少放马后炮。Safety more timely rain, less education an afterthought.

几乎在2008年以后,这些地区成了中国主要投资目的地了。Almost an afterthought in 2008, this is now the leading area for Chinese spending.

不同寻常的是,许多站点都是在事发之后才想到安全问题的。What's odd, though, is how many sites seem to think of security as an afterthought.

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你知道么,关于那幅画还有个伤心的故事,之后,他加了一句,似乎若有所思。You know, that painting has a sad story, he added a moment later, almost as an afterthought.

事后想来,胃部灼热和呼吸困难是怀孕过程中经常被提到的症状。Heartburn and breathlessness are pregnancy symptoms usually mentioned in passing as an afterthought.

Rickenbacher说,最糟糕的情况是,匆忙还礼会看起来就像你是后来才想到的。At worst, Rickenbacher said rushing to respond with a gift could end up looking like an afterthought.

事后想来,胃部灼热和呼吸困难是怀孕过程中经常被提到的症状。Heartburn and breathlessness are pregnancy symptoms usually mentioned in passing, as an afterthought.

虽然盖茨还是微软的董事长,只是不参与日常运作,但微软公司似乎还是感到遗憾。Although Gates remains its non-executive chairman, Microsoft almost seems like an afterthought nowadays.

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电子阅读器厂商仅关注硬件设计,他们的用户界面常令人感觉像是后期制作。E-reader manufacturers’ focus on hardware design means their user interfaces often feel like an afterthought.

如遭雷击的关晓霞眼看心中的偶像被无情伤害,追悔莫及。If thunderstruck closes Xiao Xia soon the God with medium heart is harmed by callosity, afterthought not is reached.

我第一眼看到爱斯基摩人,那么我猜每次再看到也会第一时间想起它,至于印第安人永远只能是事后烟。I first saw the Eskimo, and will, I suppose, always first see what I first saw there, as if the Indian was mere afterthought.

这也是为何开源在编程工具方面做得很好,而桌面和用户界面则总是被置后考虑。This is why open source has done well in programming tools, but desktops and user interfaces have often been an afterthought.

哈德良的后见之明是「我必须花时间给我的子民」,而上帝的先见之明则是「我永远有时间给到我面前来的人」。Hadrian's afterthought was, "I must take time for my subjects. " God's first thought is, "I always have time for those who come to Me.

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他们声称决定的意识性有可能只是纯粹生化反应的马后炮,对人的动作行为没有任何影响。They argue that consciousness of a decision may be a mere biochemical afterthought with no influence whatsoever on a person's actions.

后来,几乎是突发其想,这场讲座被录制成视频,传到了网上让那些当天不能到场的人观看。And — almost as an afterthought — the lecture was videotaped and put on the Internet for the few people who couldn't get there that day.

无论在工厂、煤矿或建筑工地,中国的工作条件都不好,工人们的安全被抛之脑后。Whether in factories, mines or construction sites, workplace conditions in China are often atrocious, and workers’ safety an afterthought.