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别浪费时间纠结那些易被忘记的工作。Don’t waste time juggling forgettable tasks.

这是个普通男人,容易被人忘记。He's an ordinary man and easily forgettable.

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我怕他发现我被彻底的遗忘了。I fear that he finds me totally forgettable.

但他的总统职务将作为一个彻底被遗忘的结局。But his presidency would provide an utterly forgettable ending.

这事这么容易忘记吗?你真的不记得了?在公园里!Is it that forgettable? You really don't remember? In the park?

小王后来到了牛棚多投了15球让自己好忘掉这一天的表现。He threw about 15 more pitches in the bullpen to finish a forgettable day.

我不希望我只是一个被遗忘在订阅单上的博客。I don’t want to be just another forgettable blog in someone’s feed reader.

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这包括弛缓性和遗忘的大先生的保罗吉亚玛提播放。That includes the flaccid and forgettable Mr. Big played by Paul Giamatti.

他体重中等,身材中等,有着灰褐色的头发和一张容易被忘却的脸。He was average height, average build, with mousy hair and a forgettable face.

小昭常常丢三落四的,大家常常帮他找东西。Xiao Zhao is always forgettable . We usually look for different stuff for him.

但是,你知道,变相,但音乐是无调,戛然和。But, you know, in disguise, but the music is atonal, screeching and forgettable.

在过去20年中,日本至少换过14位首相,而他们中大部分人已成过眼烟云。In the past 20 years there have been no fewer than 14 prime ministers, most of them forgettable.

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在仅仅半小时以内,房间便从平淡无奇变得明亮而且配置齐整。Within a mere half-hour, rooms go from bland and forgettable to bright and perfectly accessorized.

但事实上,SPOT带来了不少没人记得的产品,包括手表以及一系列咖啡机。In reality, SPOT found its way into a few forgettable products, including watches and a line of coffee makers.

木香黑胡椒,有骨无肉之半成品,香水海中无关大局无足轻重之一星浮沫。Black pepper & woods, a gaunt, fleshless wood scent that feels like sth unfinished. A forgettable insignificance.

由于凯利以及梅雷莱斯的受伤,从利物铺方面来说,这个下午还是尽快遗忘的好。The afternoon was made even more forgettable from a Liverpool perspective by injuries to Martin Kelly and Raul Meireles.

我们会刮除土地、立起结构体,然后在顶端罩上一个想必盖好就会被人遗忘的防雨屋顶。Instead we scrape away the earth, erect the structure itself, and cap it with a rainproof, presumably forgettable , roof.

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然而,在出演了一连串无足轻重的片子后,40岁的安妮斯顿的人气近斯有所下跌。But the 40-year-old Miss Aniston's stock has also slipped in recent times following a series of forgettable and lightweight films.

值得一提的是,在墨尔本旅行,最令人难忘的是观看世界上最小的企鹅归巢。What worth mentiontraveling in Melbournethe most forgettable experience is to watch the homing of the smallest penguins in the world.

自打2009年默克尔政府垮台以来,在德国执政的是一连串脆弱的联盟和没人记得的总理。After the fall of the Merkel government in 2009, Germany was governed by a succession of unstable coalitions and forgettable chancellors.