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我的衬衣全缝好了吗?Is my shirt sewn down?

简把袜子上的洞缝补好了。Jane has sewn up a hole in a sock.

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你把我大衣上那个撕破的口子缝起来了吗?Have you sewn up the tear in my coat?

舀缝制的领口,袖孔和下摆。Sewn scoop neckline, armholes and hem.

既然你已经道了歉,这件事就算了。It's all sewn up, since you apologized.

这包裹应该用帆布缝起来。This parcel should be sewn up in canvas.

我的向导在他的袖口上缝有几个银铃。My guide has silver bells sewn to his sleeve.

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一天工作下来,柯尔比已经完全筋疲力尽了。Kirby was completely sewn up after a day's work.

然后,将它剥离,裁剪及车缝。Then it is ready to be peeled off, cut and sewn.

她的皮肤是白色的布,她是被缝成一体的。Her skin is white cloth, and she's all sewn apart.

这笔交易是在旅馆酒吧间喝酒时成交的。The deal was sewn up over drinks in the botel bar.

皮表带的带扣和皮圈均用手工缝制。The buckles and loops are sewn exclusively by hand.

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可见三个瓣叶围绕形成环。Note there are three cusps sewn into a synthetic ring.

尸体缝好后被装入布袋中抛入河流之中。The corpse was sewn up in a sack and thrown into the river.

布边应折进并缝紧。The edges of the cloth should be turned in and sewn firmly.

绳子的末端是缝在低的那个扣眼里面的。The end of the shock cord is sewn inside the lower grommet.

吊耳必须缝在领口下主标的上面。The loop must be sewn above the main label under neck seam.

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首先呢,将裁下主体部份,拷边缝成一条丝巾。First of all, the main part can be cut and sewn into a scarf.

外层的布料必须切成一块一块,然后缝在一起,然后塞上填充物。The material must be cut into pieces, sewn together and stuffed.

我已经把我的衣服以及我的紧身衣和线缝到一起去了。I 'd already sewn my dress and my tights to thepiece of material.