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酋长说,“但是小心,别踩在嗬呀上。”But be careful not to step on the hoya.

霍亚穿红色短裤,奎蒂穿黑色短裤。Hoya is in red trunks while Quartey is in Black.

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在它的原生地,球兰的花是靠夜飞虫授粉的。In its native habitat, Hoya blossoms are pollinated by night-flying insects.

霍亚一直是最有号召力和最炙手可热的拳手。De La Hoya has long been boxing's most popular fighter and biggest attraction.

豪雅内饰,上深下浅分体式中控台设计风格,精致高档。Hoya interior, under the light on the deep split console design, high-grade fine.

球兰属的任一种植物,肉质叶,花朵通常分泌蜜汁。Any plant of the genus hoya having fleshy leaves and usually nectariferous flowers.

然而,最煽情的时刻莫过于感谢他的父亲老徳拉霍亚。However, the most-poignant moment was when he thanked his father, Joel De La Hoya Sr.

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她现在在中心奥斯卡德豪雅洛杉矶炸弹,他理应构成笨手笨脚的。She is now at the center of the Oscar de la Hoya bombshell he supposedly posed for in drag.

这颗植物是一株心形球兰,因其叶子呈心形,常被称为“开心草”。The plant, a hoya kerrii, is commonly called a "sweetheart plant" because of its leaf shape.

奥斯卡德豪雅洛杉矶否认照片他与疟疾的异国舞者在一个旅馆房间是真实的。Oscar de la Hoya is denying that the photos of him with Malana the exotic dancer in a hotel room are real.

斯普林格则坚持认为,霍亚是最后一个能被大众体育媒体倾心报道的拳手。Springer maintains that De La Hoya was the last boxer that was really covered by the general sports media.

2007年5月5日,在拉斯维加斯,霍亚以微弱的不一致点数输给梅威瑟。Oscar De La Hoya fought Floyd Mayweather Jr. on May 5, 2007 in Las Vegas, losing a razor-thin split decision.

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他在一次惨败后销声匿迹了四个月,那次惨败也是其职业生涯最后七战中的第四次失利。Oscar De La Hoya leaving four months after being thoroughly beaten, his fourth loss in his last seven fights.

我们在训练营隔壁的饭馆吃饭,他们经常播出我和霍亚比赛的录像。When we eat at the restaurant next to the gym, they often are playing a tape of my fight with Oscar De La Hoya.

奥斯卡德豪雅洛杉矶律师聘请摄影专家表示,这些照片是假的,它是不德豪雅镧他们!Oscar de la Hoya lawyers hired a photo expert who said that the photos are fake and it is not de la Hoya in them!

我透过窗外看到那么多想要挑战我的人,唯一能让我看得起眼的只有你,德拉霍亚!I am looking through the front window and see the one guy who I look up to and admire, and he is Oscar De La Hoya.

除了泰森能引起人们那么大的兴趣,再也没有别人具备霍亚的号召力。No one else but Mike Tyson could generate that kind of interest in a boxing match, so powerful has De La Hoya been.

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球兰即蜡兰,是一种古典式的室内观赏植物,因其一簇簇垂悬的蜡质星状花朵而深受人们的青睐。Wax plant, Hoya carnosa, is an old-fashioned houseplant much prized for its hanging clusters of waxy, star-shaped flowers.

哎呀,如果霍亚在周二洛杉矶商业区的新闻发布会上宣布他离开拳台,那么他的职业生涯就真的画上一个句号了。Alas, all of this will be over if De La Hoya announces his retirement at a news conference Tuesday in downtown Los Angeles.

奥斯卡。徳拉霍亚可能宣布离开拳台的前夕,拳击界显然被感伤笼罩。There is a palpable sense of sadness in the boxing industry regarding Oscar De La Hoya 's impending retirement announcement.