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壳聚糖具有广谱抗菌性。Chitosan has wide antimicrobial properties.

抗菌钢是一种新型抗菌材料。Antimicrobial coated steel is a new material.

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该吸附剂具有抑菌效能。The composited adsorbent have antimicrobial activity.

牛奶和蛋也含有抗菌物质。Cow's milk and eggs also contain antimicrobial substances.

正丁醇萃取物无明显抗菌活性。The components from n-butanol had no antimicrobial activity.

大部分细菌对多种抗菌药物耐药。Most bacterias are resistant to multiple antimicrobial drugs.

茶树和牛至,因其抗菌功能而著名。Tea tree and oregano are known for their antimicrobial nature.

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谷胱甘肽是一个强大的抗病毒和抗菌武器。Glutathione is also a powerful antiviral and antimicrobial weapon.

蜂蜜的抗菌性很久以来就为人类所认识。Honey has long been acknowledged for its antimicrobial properties.

贫穷与不公造成抗菌药物耐药性的主要因素。Poverty and inequity are major drivers of antimicrobial resistance.

抗菌肽在原核生物与真核生物中都存在。Antimicrobial peptides are found both in prokaryotes and eukaryotes.

抗菌三肽可以用于抗生素开发。Antimicrobial tripeptides will be subject to antibiotic development.

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预防性使用抗生素不能降低VAP的发生。Preventive antimicrobial usage can not decrease the morbidity of VAP.

可用于测定防霉剂中的丙酸含量。The method can be used to test the propionic acid in the antimicrobial.

在水果和蔬菜中被发现的香豆素具有抗菌活性。Coumarins found in fruits and vegetables exhibit antimicrobial activity.

它是人工精选的,当前包含有3782个抗菌肽序列。It is manually curated and currently holds 3782 antimicrobial sequences.

结果证明A物质确有较强的抑菌作用。The results of experiment showed that A had obvious antimicrobial actions.

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抗菌肽的结构组成与其生物活性密切相关。Structure of antimicrobial peptides is closely related to their bioactivity.

预防性使用抗菌药物不能降低VAP的发生率。Prophylactic use of antimicrobial agents could not decrease the incidence of VAP.

铁饱和度越低,抑菌性越强。The antimicrobial effect improves with decrease of the iron saturation decreases.