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两只企鹅站在一块浮冰上。Two penguins are standing on an ice floe.

在你的重置阶段中,你可以选择不重置浮冰。You may choose not to untap Ice Floe during your untap phase.

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北冰洋上的一块大浮冰里孕育着一个冰锥状的洞穴。A large ice floe in the Arctic Ocean bears an icicle-trimmed cave.

在季节性冰冻地带海冰浮冰块大小分布的特性。Characteristics of sea ice floe size distribution in the seasonal ice zone.

格卢利克附近,两头大西洋海象在浮冰上相互偎依。Two Atlantic walruses snuggle on an ice floe near Igloolik, Nunavut, Canada.

一位科学家在测量取自一块浮海冰的冰芯长度。A scientist measures the length of a core sample taken from a floe of sea ice.

赛场是缩小的漂浮冰块。参赛者是一群渴望阳光的海象。The arena, a shrinking ice floe. The contestants, a pack of sun-starved walruses.

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北极的拉里、莫和科利在加拿大努勒维特伊格卢利克附近的浮冰上休息。An Arctic Larry, Moe, and Curly lounge on an ice floe near Igloolik, Nunavut, Canada.

它们是真正的海洋哺乳动物,从一块浮冰到另一块,北极熊可以游上很长的距离呢!They are true marine mammals and can swim many kilometers from one ice floe to another.

他唤醒了所有人,并协助将帐篷移到断裂冰块的其中一边。He roused everyone, and helped transfer the camp to one side of the now-broken ice floe.

加拿大努勒维特伊格卢利克附近冰排上,一头大西洋母海象照顾着她的小海象。A mother Atlantic walrus watches over her pup on an ice floe near Igloolik, Nunavut, Canada.

有一次,队伍帐篷所在的浮冰破裂,所幸无人受伤。At one point an ice floe the team's tent was moored on broke apart, although no one was injured.

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你可以找某个人划船带你过去,或者可以试着从大冰块上跳跃过去。You might find someone to row you across, or you could try leaping from one ice floe to another.

只要浮冰持续被横置,该生物在牠的操控者的重置阶段便不能重置。As long as Ice Floe remains tapped, that creature does not untap during its controller's untap phase.

一天晚上,当浮冰突然断裂成两半时,雪克顿证明了他还是个不辞行动的人。One night, when the ice floe suddenly cracked in half, Shackleton proved he was also a man of action.

在幻境中他看到一只硕大的企鹅,它平静、姿态优美的坐在冰川上吃鱼。And in the vision he saw a great Penguin, serene and well-favoured, sitting upon an ice floe eating fish.

在加拿大福克斯湾平静的海面,一头孤独的大西洋海象在一块较小的浮冰上休息。A lone Atlantic walrus rests on what looks to be an undersized ice floe amid a glassy sea in Canada's Foxe Basin.

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海象图片。一只孤独的大西洋海象休息在外观尺寸不足的浮冰被如镜的海包围在加拿大的福克斯湾。A lone Atlantic walrus rests on what looks to be an undersized ice floe amid a glassy sea in Canada's Foxe Basin.

“哦,我也是,”杨先生说道,感觉就像意识扑朔迷离中突然出现一块新的浮冰。"Oh, so am I," said Mr. Young, leaping gratefully onto this new ice floe in the bewildering stream of consciousness.

加拿大努勒维特伊格卢利克附近,在浮冰上漂流时,一头大西洋小海象在母亲的背上找到了安全感。An Atlantic walrus calf finds safety on its mother's back while drifting on an ice floe near Igloolik, Nunavut, Canada.