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从唯心主义角度分析癔症病因,为揭示癔症形成提供新的思路。To explore the etiology of hysteria through the aspect of mentalism.

专业精神论杰作的可能性是不尽的。The possibilities for professional mentalism masterpieces are endless.

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与这个独特的秘密装置您能扩展您的精神论表现。With this unique gimmick you will be able to expand your mentalism performances.

但人类真正的瑰宝是“唯心主义”,它能够给所有的问题以价值。But the true treasure of mankind is "mentalism" , which can give value to every issue.

如何科学对待和客观评价唯心主义是哲学史上的一个重要问题。How to estimate rightly Mentalism is an important problem in the history of philosophy.

弗洛姆的人性论是一种抽象的人性论,具有唯心性和非历史性。Fromm's theory on humanity is abstract in terms of its historicity and mentalism aspects.

假定诈骗是其中一项最巧妙和最多才多艺的原则在精神论。The Assumption Swindle is one of the most ingenious and versatile principles in mentalism.

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转换生成语法则带有笛卡尔、康德唯理主义的影子。The transformational-generative grammar received influences from Descartes and Kant's mentalism.

历史唯心主义的根源是唯心主义,它的价值观和历史唯物主义的价值观是相对的。The root of historical mentalism is mentalism, whose value is against that of historical materialism.

但它毕竟是资产阶级世界观的范畴,具有唯心主义特色,缺乏严格的哲理。But it is of the bourgeoisie, so it has the characteristic of mentalism and lacks philosophical principle.

在这大型书本神奇医生也显露三他最内在的古老秘密到有效的精神论。In this tome the mysterious doctor also reveals three of his innermost ancient secrets to effective mentalism.

以一个崭新的水平。现在,你可以发现任何文字,图片等一些没有任何问题。Take your mentalism to a brand new level. Now you can reveal any word, picture number etc without any questions.

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我珍贵是根据最美好的概念和原则的组合在精神论的一个惊人的惯例。MY PRECIOUS is an amazing routine that is based on a combination of the finest concepts and principles in mentalism.

从事物的因与缘言之,佛学对宋明理学的形成起了一个至关重要的思想助缘的作用。From the perspective of rhyme or reason, Buddhism plays a vital role in promoting ideology of mentalism in the Song and Ming dynasties.

每个教训比仅仅一个卓著的原始的作用,它可以被申请于精神论学生已经执行的教训是更多。Each lesson is more than merely an outstanding original effect, it's a lesson that can be applied to mentalism students already perform.

说明唯心主义认知观在癔症的形成中有不可忽视的作用。To find the mechanism of hysteria from a new means and explain the cognize of mentalism playing an important role at the etiology of hysteria.

马克思哲学的形成有从唯心主义到人本唯物主义再到历史唯物主义的独特路径。The formation of Marx's philosophy had the unique way from the mentalism to the humanitarian materialism and then to the historical materialism.

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对黑格尔唯心主义和费尔巴哈直观唯物主义的批判与超越,是马克思建立新唯物主义哲学的理论起点。The criticism and transcendence to Hegelian mentalism and Feuerbach s visual materialism is the new materialism philosophical theory origination of Marx.

体验通过这个虚拟的比喻唯心主义使用博客和照片库,就可以以创新的方法人们的思想和思维的魔力。Experience the magic of Mentalism through this virtual simile that uses blogs and photo galleries to connect people's minds and thoughts in an innovative way.

老子的道作为物质性的世界规律和本质的统一体,其基本性质是唯物主义的,但也包含着某些唯心主义的因素。The Tao of Laozi is the entia of the rule and the essence of the corporality world. Its basic character is materialistic. But it has some diathesis of the mentalism.