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贯穿安纳托利亚,现在又250个工业区。There are now 250 industrial zones throughout Anatolia.

皇帝被说已经在中央的安那托利亚被出生。The Emperor is said to have been born in central Anatolia.

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当他被救出时,他的父亲和哥哥喜极而泣。His father and brother wept with joy as he emerged, Anatolia reported.

他乃是大西台帝国的荣耀,以及安那托利亚闪烁生辉的宝石。He is the glory of the Hittite Empire and a brilliant jewel of Anatolia.

主要领土位于土耳其是在亚洲和所谓的安那托利亚。The principal territory of Turkey is situated in Asia and called Anatolia.

尼克拉斯,他居住在小亚细亚拜占庭的古利西亚小镇迈拉。Nicholas resided in the ancient Lycian town of Myra, located in Byzantine Anatolia.

安卡拉和北京在土耳其的中央安纳托利亚地区上个月举办了军事演习。Ankara and Beijing conducted the drills in Turkey's Central Anatolia region last month.

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土耳其安纳托利亚通讯社说,当局已派出数辆救护车赶赴现场。Turkey's Anatolia news agency said several ambulances had been dispatched to the scene.

领着人数仅波斯军一半的军队亚历山大继续横越安那托利亚。With an army half the size of the Persians, Alexander continues his push through Anatolia.

高卢后裔的凯尔特人,加拉太人定居并控制了安纳托利亚弗里吉亚的中部地区。Celts of Gallic descent, the Galatians came to settle in and dominate areas of central Anatolia and Phrygia.

我还使用在安纳托利亚进行的收割野生谷物实验得到的数据,实验使用的是石器时代的镰刀。and I used data on yields obtained from harvesting wild grainsin experiments in Anatolia using a Stone Age sickle.

1922年,希腊军队试图征服西安纳托利亚却被土耳其军事领袖穆斯塔法·凯末尔·阿塔图尔克击溃。In 1922 Greek armies trying to conquer western Anatolia were routed by Turkey’s military leader, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk.

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现代土耳其人的起源可以追溯到来自于11世纪塞尔柱王朝统治下的安那托利亚的土耳其人。The origins of modern Turkey can be traced back to the arrival of Turks in Anatolia in the 11th century under the Seljuks.

位于土耳其的安纳托利亚的这个小村庄曾是天使长圣麦克尔之城,以其精致的教堂闻名于世。Deep in Turkish Anatolia this little village was once the city of Saint Michael of Ten Thousand Angels famed for its fine churches.

法新社援引土耳其安纳托利亚通讯社消息,地震导致一些房屋倒塌,余震仍在继续。Turkey's Anatolia news agency Agence France-Presse quoted the message, the earthquake led to some houses collapsed, the aftershocks continue.

我们知之甚少的是,这两个帝国是从美索不达米亚以外的何处地方而来,例如是新王朝时期的埃及和安纳托利亚的赫梯。What little that is known of these two empires often comes from areas outside Mesopotamia , such as the New Kingdom Egypt and Hittite Anatolia.

近日,中国国旗出现在土耳其空军更新后的“安纳托利亚之鹰”官网上。Recently, it was noted that China's national flag had appeared amongst other participating countries on the official website for Anatolia Eagle.

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国营安纳托利亚通讯社报道说,被困工人的家属在煤矿入口处焦急等待,数十量救护车也在入口处随时待命。Anxious relatives of the workers waited for news alongside dozens of ambulances at the mine entrance, the state-run Anatolia news agency reported.

她们这样被西方的观察家和历史学家命名是由于她们与古安娜托利亚和黑海的半神话中的亚马逊人非常相似。They were so named by Western observers and historians due to their similarity to the semi-mythical Amazons of ancient Anatolia and the Black Sea.

然而,此后国家安那托利亚新闻局及其它的报道都称爆炸最有可能是由这里的一个煤气装置泄露而引起的。However, the state-run Anatolia news agency and other reports later said the explosion was most likely caused by a leak from a gas installation there.