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这种制度对没有工作的人来说是不利的。Such a system penalized the jobless.

职业介绍所被失业者围了个水泄不通。Employment agencies were besieged by the jobless.

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大部分偷窃都是盲流干的。Most of the thefts were committed by jobless migrants.

一些移民者呆在原有国家里只有失业了。Some emigrants would have been jobless had they stayed.

“我们可能喜欢看到有更多的工作恢复,”他说。“We are likely to see more jobless recoveries,” he says.

那么,那些理论上没有工作的农民都去哪儿了?So where have all the theoretically jobless peasants gone?

请领失业金人数在近几周趋稳.经济目前很有可能在缓慢增长.Jobless claims numbers have been stabilizing in recent weeks.

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其他国家的失业者会发现这个说法没有说服力。Jobless workers elsewhere may find this argument unpersuasive.

找工作一位没有工作的男士到微软找一个办公室事务员的差使。A jobless man applied for the position of "office boy" at Microsoft.

有证据表明,失业者比在业人员健康状况差。Evidences show that the jobless are in poorer health than job-holders.

美国越来越绝望的失业者的未来也到此为止。And so much for the future of America's increasingly desperate jobless.

在19世纪30年代的大萧条期间大批工人失业了。Hosts of workers were jobless during the great depression of the 1930s.

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而他们汇回家的钱则是贫困农村的必要生活来源。And the money they send home has become essential for jobless rural China.

去年57.3万名18至24岁的年轻人中有20万没有工作。Nearly 200, 000 of the 573, 000 made jobless last year were aged 18 to 24.

现年27岁的黄伟荣是奉贤区海湾旅游区的无业青年。Aged 27-year-old Stephen is poorer districts Gulf tourist area jobless youth.

失业救济人口也下降了1.52万,达到1.61百万。The number of people claiming jobless benefits also fell by 15, 200 to 1.61m.

除非奇迹出现,要不我在1月份便将无家可归,没有食物,也没有工作。Unless a miracle happened, I would be homeless in January, foodless, jobless.

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但现在,官员们感到了吸收数以百万失业移民就业的压力。But now, officials are feeling pressure to soak up millions of jobless migrants.

如果失业率太高,北京担心将引发社会动荡的政治风险。Beijing fears politically risky social unrest if the jobless rate climbs too high.

袁磊比他们早几个月到北京实习,但是至今仍无工作。Mr. Yuan had arrived several months earlier for an internship but was still jobless.