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这里就需要体现营销者比聪明的广告文案高明之处了。This is where the smart copywriter becomes a marketer.

我现在于亚泰文化公司任助理撰稿员。I work as an assistant copywriter for Yatai Culture Corporation.

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从广告撰写人跳到项目经理就意味着薪水更高。Moving from copywriter to project manager could mean more money.

接着,我的上司撰稿总监海伦·格丽快步到我身旁,问到.Right then, my boss, executive copywriter Helen Gurley, strode in.

成功的广告文字撰稿人是贴切且能引起共鸣的大师。The successful copywriter is a master of apposite and evocative verbal images.

选择合适的文案,能保证跟你一起工作的是最好的团队。You can ensure you work with the best team, every time, by choosing the copywriter you work with.

客户花费了上个月来的内部文案不再适合于网络,甚至不适合人的消费习惯。the client's in-house copywriter who takes month to write content unsuitable for the web or even human consumption.

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如果你需要销售文案,你应该找一个了解分离测试和多元测试的知识的文案。If you require sales copy, you should only work with a web copywriter with knowledge in split and multivariate testing.

按照倾诉类文章的性质判断,署名采访人或者撰稿人的做法并不妥当。According to the nature of the pouring out type article, it is not appropriate to sign interview people or the copywriter.

有经验的文案甚至知道如何捕捉你的客户的语音语调从而完善客户的销售业务。An experienced copywriter will know how to capture your client’s tone of voice and deliver improved sales for their business.

1992年,他成为了DDB巴塞罗那公司的文案,为大众汽车服务。在那里他学会了尊重大师伯恩巴克,并明白了一条好标题的威力。He worked as a copywriter for Volkswagen in DDB Barcelona in 1992, where he learned to respect Bernbach and the power of a good headline.

经验丰富的文案在这方面很有见地,能给出一些有助于提高转换率的测试建议。The experienced web copywriter will speak articulately on the topic and should make proposals for testing that will increase conversion rates.

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有中文和英文两种母语为基础,本人曾在卫视体育台担任电视广告片编导,并一直兼职中、英文双向翻译和文案。Having both English and Chinese as my mother tongue, I was a promo producer at Star Sports, Asia, while freelancing as an English-Chinese translator and copywriter.

乔治的弟弟,在新泽西的一名广告文员,说虽然乔治最后被检查出智力发育迟缓,但小时候并没有检查出有问题。George’s youngerbrother, a copywriter in New Jersey, said George was eventually foundto be mentally retarded but has not been examined for his disabilitysince childhood.

也许谁都能给酒店的设施和房间类型写出一段话,但专业的作者写出来的才会更容易理解,也更具针对性。While most anyone can write a paragraph describing a given amenity or room type, a professional copywriter will do it in a way that’s easy to understand and targeted to the right traveler.

彼得·梅尔,英国著名作家,曾在国际广告公司任职十五年,1975年开始全职写作,现与妻子隐居在法国普罗旺斯地区。Peter Mayle spent fifteen years in the advertising business, first as a copywriter and then as a reluctant executive, before escaping Madison Avenue in 1975 to write educational books for children.

彼得·梅尔,英国著名作家,曾在国际广告公司任职十五年,1975年开始全职写作,现与妻子隐居在法国普罗旺斯地区。Peter Mayle spent fifteen years in the advertising 7 business, first as a copywriter and then as a reluctant executive, before escaping Madison Avenue in 1975 to write educational books for children.