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对一位女士没法说这种事。He could not speak of such things to a gentlewoman.

这里的先生女士们想祝你精神健康。Gentleman and gentlewoman here wish you a health mental.

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她在国家首府中享有很高的声誉,被誉为“德克萨斯州贵妇人”。In the Nation's Capital she is widely known as the " Gentlewoman from Texas."

彼特鲁乔亲爱的凯德,老老实实告诉我,你可曾看见过一个比她更娇好的淑女?PETRUCHIO. Tell me, sweet Kate, and tell me truly too, Hast thou beheld a fresher gentlewoman?

你用奄奄一息的南方贵妇口气说出来会好一些,语法纳粹们不喜欢这样。It helps if you say it in the wispy voice of a dying Southern gentlewoman. GRAMMAR NAZIS HATE THAT.

抱歉哈,俺只想打击那金刚石,其实俺也喑恋淑女很久了。I apologize, I only want to get that Diamond. I've actually had a crush on Gentlewoman for a long time.

虽然早就有所耳闻,但是见她如此雍容大度,我还真是大为吃惊呢!她是个真正有教养的女人。Having understood as much, I was rather astonished to find her so very lady-like! But she is really quite the gentlewoman.

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她们娇弱而敏感,都是来自美国南方上流社会的南方淑女,是旧南方文化和教养的最佳代言人。All his Southern gentlewoman are delicate and sensitive women who best represent the culture and gentility of the Old South.

我曾经有一个梦想,自己是有钱人家的少爷,整天提着鸟笼走在大街上调戏良家妇女。Once a time , I have a dream , I am a signorino , walking on the road with a birdcage on my hand all day , molesting gentlewoman.

自十八淑女坊第一件洗水面料的“白色连衣裙”上市销售,由此而开创出中国女装行业又一个崭新的市场领域——淑女装。From the Shunufang washing the fabric first "white dress" on sale, thus creating a new industry a market segment – gentlewoman clothing.

片中埃琳娜的扮演者是凯瑟琳·泽塔·琼斯,她的表演既有女子的野性美,又充满了古典淑女的优雅。Catherine Zeta-Jones plays Elena in the film. Her performance represents not only the wild feminine beauty, but also the elegance of a gentlewoman.

当她的侍女带了一个医生来看她时,她正在睡梦中沿城堡走动,供认她的罪行并企图洗掉手上的鲜血。Her gentlewoman brings a doctor to see Lady Macbeth as she walks the castle in her sleep, confessing her sins and attempting to wash the blood from her hands.

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经过十二年的精心经营,十八淑女坊品牌被誉为中国淑女风格服饰的领跑者,发展速度在国内同行业中独领风骚。After careful management of 12 years. Shunufang gentlewoman clothing was evaluated as the leader brand of China. Pace of development in the domestic industry dominate.