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因此女士们,请原谅我的政治不正确吧。So ladies, please forgive my political incorrectness.

正确不正确是由别人决定的,或是由时间和历史决定的。The correctness and incorrectness were not decided by other people, time or history.

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和「紧急追捕令」系列电影的共同点是错误的纯粹力量。What "Gran Torino" shares with the "Dirty Harry" movies is the sheer force of its incorrectness.

因而也是和主观指导的正确或错误分不开的。Consequently it is also inseparable from the correctness or incorrectness of the subjective direction of war.

不动产登记簿错误可以分为权利事项错误与非权利事项错误。The falsity of real estate register can be divided into the rights incorrectness and non-right incorrectness.

传统恩格尔系数弊端是,食品支出中仅反映人们对食品消费的数量要求而非质量要求。Incorrectness of tradition Engel's Coefficient is that it expresses only the quantity not the quality of food consumption in food expenditure.

文章根据三条高速公路建设项目关于交通量预测的后评价寻找预测缺陷,并总结交通量预测失准的原因,提出了解决该问题的三项具体措施。This paper finds prediction's shortcomings on the basis of three highways' later evaluation and sums up the reasons of incorrectness. And then it proposes three specific methods.

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二者在是否会对物权构成妨害、是否导致善意取得以及更正登记的程序上完全不同。The rights incorrectness is different from the non-rights incorrectness in the good faith acquisition, the interference in right of the property right and rectification procedure.

网络言语行为是网络行为的基本形式,因而就网络言语行为的道德问题进行探讨,对于网络道德环境建设具有普遍和重要的意义。A study of the moral incorrectness of the network speech acts, which is a basic form of network acts, is of universal significance to the construction of the networks moral environment.

针对数据源中出现的错误数据,分析了业务规则在错误数据清理中的重要作用,提出了一种基于业务规则的错误数据检测方法,并研究了如何采用业务规则来检测这些错误数据。Aiming at incorrectness data appeared in data source, the importance of business rule in data cleaning is analyzed, and an incorrectness data cleaning method based on business rule is proposed.