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你停止你自己的活动。You cease from your own doings.

他干的种种坏事使他自食其果。His ill doings redounded upon himself.

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他为自己做错的事情请求宽恕。He asked for forgiveness of his wrong- doings.

请把你在伦敦做的事情全讲给我听听吧。Please tell me about all your doings in London.

我永远不能再希望赶得上我自己在兰得尔斯的那些做法了。I could never hope to equal my own doings at Randalls.

我经常观察离得最近的那家人的生活。I frequently watch the doings of the family nearest me.

当重罪嫌犯的所最所为,就算无罪的双手也未必清白。And the white-handed is not clean in the doings of the felon.

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老人宽恕了年轻人过去所干的坏事。The old man was forgiver of the young man's past wrong doings.

杜尚的行动颇似禅宗的棒喝。Marcel Duchamp's doings are very similar to Koan of Zend Buddhism.

当忒修斯听说斯喀戍的所作所为时,并不感到沮丧。Theseus was not greatly dismayed when he heard of Scyron's doings.

人于是就收敛起自己恶的一面,于是就积善行德。Thus man restrains himself from the evil doings and does good things.

改邪归正爸,回到社会主义才是唯一正确的路。Fixing wrong doings and returning to socialism is the only correct way!

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二人找到韩志明,将其的所作所为公之于众。Two people find Han Zhiming, will reveal to the public the doings of the.

一路上有各式各样的缅甸人拦住我,向我投诉那头大象的罪行。Various Burmans stopped me on the way and told me about the elephant's doings.

那位演讲者站在桌上痛斥反动派的罪恶行径。The speaker stood on a table, reviling at the evil doings of the reactionaries.

沈括咬了一口,真甜。他矜持的笑笑,就不再动手。Chen Gua bit, really sweet. He doings with self-respect of smile, no longer start.

每天他都能从晚报上看到这座禁城内的活动。Each day he could read in the evening papers of the doings within this walled city.

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每个人目前的处境都源于他过去和现在的行为。Our present circumstances are a result of our own past actions and our present doings.

第六章着重介绍了厦门市湖里区在推进“农改超”过程中的主要做法。Chapter Six particularly introduces the main doings of Huli District in pushing "CCIS".

在和女儿谈话时,老人宽恕了女孩过去干的坏事。Talking with his daughter, the old man was the forgiver of the girl's past wrong doings.