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当东德国家警察试图驱散人群时,三、四千名柏林青年齐声高呼“必须推倒这堵墙!”As GDR state police try to disperse the crowds, 3,000–4,000 young Berliners chant “The wall must go!

随着1990年德国统一,西德地区的儿童节日期和名称成为全德国官方的统一标准。Since the affiliation in 1990, the date and name used in the FRG have become the official ones for the former GDR as well.

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仅仅11天后,昂纳克就遭到弹劾,而一个月后,柏林墙也被推倒,东德至此消亡。Only 11 days later, Honecker was deposed, and the Berlin Wall was torn down the following month, making the end of the GDR.

9号公寓在街对面,已经被拆除,从地球表面彻底消失了,又一件民主德国的古迹被抹掉了。The building has been torn down and has disappeared from the face of the earth. Yet another relic of the GDR has been erased.

1989年,曾经在1953年镇压工人起义从而拯救了东德政权的苏联军队接到新指令。In 1989 the Soviet garrisons, which in 1953 had saved the GDR regime by suppressing a workers uprising, received new instructions.

她经营一家皮具店,但当她发现民主德国停止了她的交货后难以维持运转。She ran a leather shop, and was finding it increasingly difficult to stay afloat after the GDR authorities stopped her deliveries.

这种配置了512只的莫民德在便携式我们所测试,并会在宜举行账户中的基准。This configuration had only 512 Mo of GDR in the portable which we had tested and it will be advisable to hold account in the benchmarks of it.

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两天后,德意志民主共和国开始建造大型钢筋水泥墙,那些试图逃往西柏林投奔自由的人被边防警卫击毙。Two days later, the GDR begins construction of a mammoth concrete wall. Refugees attempting to flee westward to freedom are shot dead by border guards.

在柏林墙建立以前,让·雷阿经常和身为皮货商人妈妈一起光顾西德,当她需要囤货在民主德国没法进货的波斯皮草时。Before the wall went up, he made regular trips to the West with his mother, a furrier, when she needed to pick up Persian furs that were unavailable in the GDR.

通过最新研制的消声器,凯士比公司成功将21年前生产的一台噪音很大的大型机泵的声音降低了20分贝。With its newly developed diffuser, the KSB Group has managed to lower by 20 dB the noise emission of a large pump produced 21 years ago in what was then the GDR.

第一股势力有科施女士这样的温和改革者组成,他们要求民主德国拥有属于自己的宪法和法律,并加入公平选举和人权方面的条文。The first movement consisted of modest reformers, like Kosch, who wanted to hold the GDR to its own constitution and laws and their provisions for fair elections and human rights.

此前,西德消防队员因遭到东德边防警卫拒绝而被迫目睹一个男孩淹死在分割东西方的施普雷河中。This issue arose after West German firefighters were forced to watch a boy drown in the Spree River— which separated East from West — when GDR border guards refused to let them try to save him.

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前民主德在奥运会上通常比西德表现得更出色,而且其严格的及早挖掘人才制度和特殊训练中心为了带来了民族声望。The former GDR usually outshone West Germany in the Olympic Games, and the rigorous east German system of early talent identification and special training centers paid dividends in national prestige.