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灌溉天边朝露。Dew irrigation horizon.

露水是种好东西,先生。Dew is a good thing, sir.

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草被露水沾湿。The grass is wet with dew.

露水从树上滴下来。Dew dripped from the trees.

小路有露水,湿湿潮潮的。The grass was wet with dew.

草被露水沾湿了。Grasses were moist with dew.

槛菊愁烟兰泣露。The orchid weeps in the dew.

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野蜜,甘露和仙果。And honey wild, and manna dew.

晨露点缀了她的青春。Morning dew adorned her youth.

朝露曾经打湿你的衣裳。The dew that used to wet thee.

他的鞋子被露水湿透了。His shoes were drenched in dew.

只是喝一碗杨枝甘露。Just drink a bowl of sweet dew.

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复迴在薄露如披的草原。Strolling on dew covered grass.

清晨青草叶上的露珠。Dew on the grass in the morning.

用挖球器将哈蜜瓜挖成球状,备用。Dig honey dew melon to be balls.

我愿是花,若你是露水。Or a flower, if you are the dew.

严重刮伤造成露铜。Badly scratched cause dew copper.

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垂挂著热病的露珠。With anguish moist and fever dew.

露珠似金银丝般装点着树叶。Drops of dew tinselled the leaves.

在你的玉肤,犹如清晨的露珠。Sits on thy skin like morning dew.