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它是一只真正狩猎用的猎犬。He was a hunting hound.

我准备去打猎。I'm fixing to go hunting.

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他们是游猎民族。They were hunting nomads.

阿卡同酷爱打猎。Actaeon loved the hunting.

一个男孩正在逮蚂蚱。BOY was hunting for locusts.

他拿着来福枪去打猎。He went hunting with a rifle.

小狼崽需要教授狩猎技巧。Cubs need to be taught hunting.

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找工作也变得很困难。hunting job's going to be hard.

田车既好、四牡孔阜。Our hunting carriages were good.

而且可猎鹿的时间也增加了4倍。Also hunting time increase 4 times.

但是狩猎场又在何处呢?But where are those hunting grounds?

他想像自己在追猎袋鼠。He pictured himself hunting kangaroo.

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从此,天晴时两人就出去打猎。Hence, they went hunting in fine day.

我一生中从来没有去狩过猎。I have never gone hunting in my life!

于是,我就去搜搜看。I went hunting for products to search.

其实,凡尔纳只打过一次猎。Jules actually went hunting only once.

在禁猎区内不许打猎。No hunting is allowed in the preserve.

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猎狗伸出了舌头。The hunting dog lolled its tongue out.

Zynga准备到中国猎鲸。Zynga is going whale hunting in China.

丢失文件是机要人员的过失。Mary is hunting about for her lost dog.