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为什么要是使用限定的空间?Why use those confined spaces?

她的病使她整天躺在床上。Her illness confined her to bed.

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他把这个男孩关在一间黑屋子里。He confined the boy to a dark room.

但想象力的缺乏并不仅限于侍从。The lack is not confined to valets.

但其轨道只限制在12英里之内。But it is confined to a 12-mile track.

囿于一个陈旧的,拘束的空间。Confined to a stale, ill-at-ease room.

她将于下月分娩。She expects to be confined next month.

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他因痛风病已卧床两个月了。He has been confined two months by gout.

他在狱中被监禁了十年。He was confined to prison for ten years.

今天,“留名”并非仅为帮派所用。Today, tagging is not confined to gangs.

重感冒使我闭门不出。I was confined to my house by a bad cold.

所以我的诗也一样坚贞不渝。Therefore my verse to constancy confined.

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副捕获物不仅限于漂网捕鱼。Bycatch was not confined to drift-netting.

也就是说电子会被束缚在原子内。That is to say it is confined to the atom.

然而,这种问题不仅存在于法国。Yet the problem is not confined to France.

他限制自己一天只抽五支烟。He confined himself to five cigarettes a day.

一种怪病将他困在床上一个多月。Illness confined him to bed for over a month.

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紧张状态并不局限在东北亚地区。Tensions are not confined to North-East Asia.

李女士拯救的动物不局限于猫。Ms Lee's animal rescue is not confined to cats.

恐惧心理把我局限在狭窄的安乐窝里动弹不得。This fear confined me to a narrow comfort zone.