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别说可是,还轮不到你绝种呢。No buts. You tin melodrama extinction afterward.

咱们是骑驴看唱本,走着瞧!We are to ride donkey to watch anthem txt, melodrama at ear!

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关于邪恶乡绅和土气佃农的传统传奇剧。The traditional melodrama of the wicked squire and rustic tenant.

我说象,真的很象,如果你再把钢琴弹起来就更象了。I say elephant, truly elephant, if you then melodrama piano more elephant.

他有一种天赋,能使程式化的剧情片也变得真实可信,仅仅只是因为他在演它。He has thegift of making melodrama seem plausible just because he'sdoing it.

我倒是喜欢那样拍,但是我不认为人们会接受这类50年代的情节剧电影。I would love to, but I don't think people would buy that kind of 50s melodrama.

一个存在了几千年的大演武场就算毁了。Is an existed as several thousand years of greatly melodrama Wu Chang even if mar.

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天秤很难生活在骚动不安的情节剧中,而你对这些却乐此不疲。The Scales find it difficult to live in the turmoil and melodrama that you thrive on.

这看起来是一个僵局,直到达尔文式的情节剧在上面的巢中出演。It looks like a standoff, until a Darwinian melodrama plays itself out in a nest above.

请欣赏八年级二班同学带来的情景剧。The following is to enjoy the melodrama played by some students from Class Two Grade Eight.

这个竞赛怎样进行的或许比微软收购雅虎这一戏剧性事件更能说明一些问题。How the contest plays out may be more telling of the age than the Microsoft-Yahoo melodrama.

另外,这是在体育场比例下,为这出扑克脸的情节剧举行的一次非凡的游行。Otherwise, it is an extraordinary procession of poker-faced melodrama of stadium proportions.

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秦朝耸耸肩膀。藏毒?开玩笑呢,他一个修魔者,玩什么毒品。Qin Dynasty Song shrug Bang. Hide poison?Play trick, he an nail an evil and melodrama what drug.

接下去他们谈起前一晚在逸乐戏院看的一出音乐戏剧。Then they began to discuss a melodrama that they had seen on the preceding evening at the Gaite Theatre.

在香港文艺片日渐式微的情况下,本文对香港文艺片的系统研究,也许会有一定的启发意义。The thesis takes a systematic research on Hong Kong melodrama cinemas despite its down tide in recent years.

这部现实题材的都市情感剧一播出就引发观众的热议。This realistic melodrama about urban people's emotional life became an instant hot topic among the audience.

张最近的这部电影是一部过分修饰的情节剧,伴随着很多无意义的慌乱的精力。All told, Zhang's latest is a lavishly overdecorated period melodrama with a lot of meaningless, bustling energy.

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在正常情况下,他是个尊重事实,讲究实际的人,一般不想入非非,或作离奇的设想。Normally, he was a factual and realistic person, rarely given to flights of fancy or contemplations of melodrama.

战淳轩勾唇冷笑,把玩几下,就丢到了一旁,继续往下拆包装。Fight Chun Xuan to hang up lip jeer, melodrama several bottoms, threw an side, proceeded to downwards disassemble a packaging.

斯特里普和刘晓庆的情节剧电影表演艺术以生活化表演风格为主,并融合了其他风格的表演元素。Streep and Liu Xiaoqing's melodrama acting arts are live performance style primarily, and fused acting elements of other style.