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今天真冷得够受。It's terrifically cold today.

我认为课程一直都进行的很棒。I thought the course had been going terrifically well.

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当我收到这架作为礼物的飞机时,我很自豪。I was terrifically proud when I received this model as a present.

即使是最能干的媒婆,要把你推销出去也相当困难。You’d be a terrifically hard sell even for the most accomplished matchmaker.

高原上的天气变得非常的寒冷,夜里的气温达到零度以下。The weather had turned terrifically cold up on the plateau , well below zero at night.

他们压迫着我们,他们的队伍在安菲尔德是毫无疑问的出色。They knocked it about terrifically and their form at Anfield is absolutely magnificent.

他描述了一个非常有意思的案例,让人获益匪浅。He has described a terrifically interesting case, and there are things to learn from it.

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但是那个超级昂贵的模型并非当今大多数大学生所得到的。But that terrifically expensive model is not what most of today's college students are getting.

经历了像周二晚这样完美的比赛后,洋基期待著重复这样的胜利。After a terrifically played game like Tuesday night, the Yankees expect to still be playing then.

荷兰鹿特丹的“可持续跳舞俱乐部”名字虽然雷人,但它已经有了用脚发电的跳舞地板。The terrifically named firm Sustainable Dance Club already has a foot-powered dance floor in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

我们知道这将是一场苦战,要在客场击败维拉并不容易。但我们踢得不错。We knew it was going to be a hard-fought game as Villa are a tough team to beat at home but we played terrifically well.

助攻鲁尼的那个球也非常不错,他在正确的时间达到了最佳状态。He did terrifically well for Wayne's second and his overall play was very good, so he's hitting top form at the right time.

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他们在复杂环境下开采石油的技术优势在石油价格位于高位时的确给他们带来了巨大的收益。Their edge over their rivals—the ability to extract oil from difficult places—is terrifically useful while prices are high.

他如饥似渴地读书、欣赏艺术和音乐,信中到处可见其文化观点。He devoured books, art and music, and these letters are filled with his cultural opinions. He could be terrifically epigrammatical.

比赛中他牢牢的站住了位置。这是场大赛,这表明在需要的时候他能胜任任何比赛。He slotted in terrifically in that match. It was a massive game and he showed he could play on the big stage when it was necessary.

那是个混帐的下午,天气冷得可怕,没太阳什么的,在每次穿越马路之后,你总会有一种像是失踪了的感觉。It was that kind of a crazy afternoon, terrifically cold, and no sun out or anything, and you felt like you were disappearing every time you crossed a road.

例如,有的文化下,女性如果在嘴唇上没有木片、在脖子上没有增长脖子的金属环则会感到受到奇耻大辱。For example, there are cultures in which women are terrifically ashamed if they don't have wooden plates in their lips or metal rings elongating their necks.

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他们还表示,“嘿,这也有同样的里程数作为丰田佳美V6发动机驱动的城市”,因为如果这是应该是异常惊人的事实网站。They also say, "hey, this has the same mileage as a Toyota Camry V6 driving in the city, " as if that is supposed to be a terrifically impressive fact to site.

提起美国帝国主义,人们似乎觉得它是强大得不得了的,中国的反动派正在拿美国的“强大”来吓唬中国人民。Speaking of U. S. imperialism, people seem to feel that it is terrifically strong. Chinese reactionaries are using the "strength" of the United States to frighten the Chinese people.

默顿扮演的喜剧角色相较于其他人装傻式的表演相当具有吸引力,后者看起来非常搞笑,但观看者恐怕不会希望自己和剧中的人物一样。Merton's comic persona can be pretty devastating towards others' stupidity, which is terrifically funny to watch, but presumably not quite as fun to find oneself on the receiving end of.