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这个市场既吵杂又脏乱。The marketplace is noisy and dirty.

物品在市场上的售价是多少?How much of it is out in the marketplace?

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二军团在中央公积金手电筒市场。Legion II flashlights at CPF Marketplace.

媒体市场学,很好。Media education in the Marketplace. Fine.

四方街是一个热闹的集市。Sifang Street is a very busy marketplace.

这要看哪家移动公司的广告做得好了。It's advertising for the mobile marketplace.

市场几乎不会指定只有一个获胜者。Rarely does the marketplace declare only one winner.

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以任何在线电子市场为例。Take any online electronic Marketplace as an example.

好主意在这个创意市场上如雨后春笋般涌现。Good ideas rise to the top in this new idea marketplace.

我们没有令人信服的数据库分享专门市场。We don't have a compelling marketplace for data sharing.

这门炮在柳钉城市场区的一个桶里面。The gun is inside a barrel in the Rivet City Marketplace.

eBay上的交易人聚集在电子市场上。Traders oneBay come together in an electronic marketplace.

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当然他也不会在金融市场里瞎搅和。Not for him the rough and tumble of the financial marketplace.

他们监守自己的想法,在贸易市场开辟了一个很小的地盘。They guarded their ideas and built a niche in the marketplace.

市场上的竞争是合作者之间的竞争。Competition in the marketplace is competition among cooperators.

这个集市是传统的贸易场所。The marketplace was where commerce was traditionally carried on.

因此,LHS与市场贷款选择相关性很高。Thus, the LHS is highly relevant for marketplace loan selection.

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Etsy是一家快速增长的针对手工商品的在线市场。Etsy is a rapidly growing online marketplace for hand-made goods.

这种固有观念造成的先入为主的偏差,在市场销售方面将具有同等的危险性。This perception bias can be just as dangerous in the marketplace.

其中一个农夫拥有的一匹母马,在市场诞下了小马。One of the farmers owned a mare that had foaled in the marketplace.