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按任意键,开始替换文件。Press any key to replacing files.

没有人能替代斯蒂夫。There will be no replacing Steve.

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以布轮代替砂轮可进行抛光。It can do polishing by hop-wheel replacing.

将«用户名»替换为你要设定的新用户名。Replacing «username» with your new username.

我们成立一个启动器就可以替代钥匙。We funded one startup that's replacing keys.

我问他们他们将用什么代替这位僵尸。I asked them what they’d be replacing him with.

但是那么不会更换的产品又如何呢?But what about the products we're not replacing?

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我们用函数的切平面来替代它的图像。We are replacing the graph by its tangent plane.

以单剂量瓶取代多剂量瓶Replacing multi-dose vials with single-dose vials

之后,男子盖上了下水道的盖子就逃离了现场。Replacing the cover, he then runs from the scene.

一些人认为一个崛起的东方替代了停滞的西方。Some saw a rising East replacing a stagnant West.

设立一个基金来替代折旧的资产。To establish a fund for replacing depreciable assets.

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他们将用汉语取代乌尔都语。Not to forget, they will replacing Urdu with Mandarin.

你可尝试使用干燥剂干燥它,并更换电池。Try drying it with a desiccant and replacing the battery.

但是RFID要想取代传统条码,还有很长的路要走。However, RFID is still a long way off replacing bar codes.

然而,低迷的手机价格很快取代了小灵通的位置。However low priced mobile phones are rapidly replacing PHS.

然后军官开始替换地方警察指挥官。Then Army officers began replacing local police commanders.

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哪些资料最终置换被覆写的记忆体What data end up replacing the memory that gets overwritten

我已经用经验代替了唯物主义。I’ve shoved away materialism, replacing it with experiences.

操作简单,取代滚筒机压延出片。Easy manipulation, replacing the roller to press into sheets.