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还要检查土坯超虚拟集。Also check Adobe Ultra Virtual Sets.

这些建筑都是由风干的砖坯砌成。These buildings are made of adobe brick.

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刚刚接触的一个软件。Adobe GoLive CS! Just contacted a software.

村民们用晒乾的泥砖造房子。The villagers built their houses with adobe.

村民们用晒干的泥砖造房子。The villagers built their houses with adobe.

美国,新墨西哥,圣达菲,奥多比风格的房子Adobe Style Homes in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA

但是从事土坯工作的人必须做试验。But people who work with adobe must experiment.

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我看到穴屋,稍后又看到泥砖围成的场地。I see pit houses, then the later adobe compounds.

砖坯需要通过长时间去干燥使其变得坚硬。Adobe can take a long time to dry and become hard.

这项所谓的涂漆工作能帮助保持土坯的粘性。This so-called paint job helps keep the adobe strong.

也可用于捣固混凝土及砖坯等工作。It is also used for tamping the concrete and the adobe.

奥多比系统人士表示,过去这个月销售已开始放缓。Adobe executives said sales had slowed in the past month.

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砖坯与水混合的时候会变得很粘。Adobe becomes a stickymodelmud when it is mixed with water.

我家住在村子的山坡上,一间土坯的矮房。My family lives in the village hillside, a adobe dwarf room.

微软,苹果和Adobe等公司均是这个联盟的成员。Microsoft, Apple and Adobe hold membership privileges with BSA.

液态土混合物能被浇注到称作模具的容器内。Liquid adobe mixture can be poured into containers called molds.

宝石牌釉用,坯用色料。We also engage in producing " Baoshi " glaze and adobe pigments.

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后来,他们与该公司合作土坯出售自己的计划。They later partnered with the company Adobe to sell their program.

最常用来加入土坯中以增强强度的材料是稻草。One material that is commonly added to strengthen the adobe is straw.

由美国阿都比系统公司开发的页述语言。A page description language developed by, Adobe Systems Inc. of America.