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这在精神病学上被称作是阴性症状。This is called negative symptom in psychiatry.

女性也在练习精神病学,这就是我们常说的移情别恋。Women also practise psychiatry. It's called empathy.

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医院精神科和门诊中心Hospital psychiatry departments and outpatient clinics

Zalcman在Medscape精神病学学科的一个采访时说道。Zalcman said in an interview with Medscape Psychiatry.

Hendin注意到一些人甚至考虑完全放弃精神病学。Some even consider abandoning psychiatry altogether, Hendin noted.

迈克尔拉特,共同高级作者与精神病学副教授。Michael Lutter, co- senior author and assistant professor of psychiatry.

研究在美国老年精神状况杂志上发表。The research was published in the American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry.

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他后来就把精神病学和心理学描绘成恶魔般的竞争对手。he subsequently portrayed psychiatry and psychology as demonic competitors.

精神病学是对待心理和情绪条件的医学领域。Psychiatry is the area of medicine that treats mental and emotional conditions.

本作是三篇苏联精神病史与冷战探影的次篇。This is the second article in a three-part series on psychiatry and the Cold War.

这些研究结果发表在精神病学加拿大的期刊里。The results of the study have been published in the Canadian Journal of Psychiatry.

这项研究已经在普通精神病学档案二月号上发表。The study is published in the February issue of the Archives of General Psychiatry.

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Reddaway是APA精神治疗国际迫害问题委员会顾问。Reddaway was a consultant to the APA Committee on International Abuse of Psychiatry.

在任何有关宗教和心理治疗的讨论中,“联结”这个词都有着特别的价值。In any discussion of religion and psychiatry that term "connectivity" has great value.

成果发表在美国精神病学与法学学会3月刊上。Results appeared inthe March Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry andthe Law.

贝格尔在耶拿大学学习过医学、神经学、精神病学和心理学。Berger studied medicine, neurology, psychiatry and psychology at the University of Jena.

"当Flexner写报告时,精神病是寻求庇护的基础最主要部分,"他说。“When Flexner wrote his report, psychiatry was asylum-based for the most part, ” he said.

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Freeman是一位致力于精神病学和产科学交叉研究的精神病学家。Freeman is a psychiatrist with a focus on the interface between psychiatry and obstetrics.

另外,她给儿童青少年精神病学研究员开学校咨询的课。In addition, she teaches child and adolescent psychiatry fellows about school consultation.

马修是匹兹堡大学精神科的一位助理教授。He is an assistant professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh.