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我得赶紧走了,我快迟到了。I have to scat now, I will be late.

他们训练工作犬来寻找麋鹿的粪便。They train dogs to find moose scat.

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父亲又哼起曲子,反复重复一些片段。He was humming again, doing little scat riffs around the melody.

在名为“赶快走开”的时装连锁店里就能看到这样或那样的时装。These and other fashions can be had at the clothing chain known as Scat.

但没过多久,主裁判就吹响了比赛结束的哨声。But the president of the jury has sounded the scat the competition ended.

但是首先,为了遗传学的确认,“他们需要寻找挂下的虎毛或排泄物。”But first, "they need to look for hair snags or scat" for genetic verification.

在大斋节之前,鬣狗粪便中约15%的皮毛来自野驴。Before Lent, about 15 percent of hair in hyena scat samples came from hunted donkeys.

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机长将安全带信号熄灭后才能将你的安全带解开。Please keep your seat belts fastened until the captain has turned off the scat belt sign.

她是一名美国爵士歌手,因拟声唱法和芭蕾表演而闻名。She's an American jazz singer known for her scat singing and her interpretation of ballads.

研究人员根据这些迹象设置了12到15台照相机。Researchers identify these trails by looking for tracks or scat and then set up 12 to 15 cameras along each one.

授课结束后,林克带领我们到保育区的柏木沼泽地,沿著蜿蜒的步道搜寻动物粪便。After the lecture, Rinker led us on a scat search along a boardwalk that snakes through a cypress swamp section of the refuge.

了解如何识别黑熊散射和你可以从它推断为了帮助贝尔特拉克黑熊在此免费视频跟踪。Learn how to recognize black bear scat and what you can infer from it to help track black bear in this free video on bear tracking.

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一个马德里自治大学的动物学家,研究了西班牙伊比利亚半岛西北部一个多山地区嚎叫的狼。Barja, an Autonomous University of Madrid zoologist, inspected wolf scat in a mountainous region of Spain's northwest Iberian Peninsula.

确定你在性爱之前,知道一些关于恋物癖的事情,因为没有人愿意在完事后发现他的女朋友是个恋物癖来着。Make sure you know a bit about fetishes before engaging in sex because nobody wants to find out their girlfriend has a scat fetish after the fact.

同时,他还经常在裁判哨声响起后对对手犯规,以此分散对手注意力并将其激怒。At the same time, he also after the referee scat singing resounds frequently violates a regulation to the match, and enrages by this dispersion match attention it.

建院自成立之日,已经培养了超过5万名建筑行业的人才,与超过600家企业和公司建立起良好稳定的合作关系。SCAT has already cultivated over 50,000 professionals for building industry since its establishment and has built up stable cooperation relationship with 600 enterprises and companies.

目前中国城市道路交通控制系统基本上是引用SCOOT、SCAT等国外开发的系统,这些系统皆是建立在机动车为主的道路交通条件基础之上的被动型控制系统。At present, our city's traffic control system are always using some foreign developed system, like SCOOT, SCAT etc. , which are all developed on the base of vehicle-centered traffic condition.